2012年6月8日 星期五

like open vehicle drink drivers Diablo 3 power leveling like open vehicle drink drivers - TFHJ

129834110990421250_19Applications, mobile, developer TERA Gold, beautiful and melancholy is IT the hottest topic in mobile Internet. 201 Diablo 3 CD-KEY,200 Union Summit held recently, Baidu Chairman and CEO Robin Li industry alert: traditional business models in the mobile Internet PC Internet facing the challenges of the times. Mobile wanted to have a good development of the Internet, you must rely onCloud, because not enough computing power for mobile terminals will be offset by cloud computing. "Number of users does not decide everything, do not attach importance to the quest for mobile Internet business models, like open vehicle drink drivers, very exciting but also very dangerous. "Robin of today's mobile Internet" prosperity "slightly worried. In his view, Baidu, Internet entrepreneur, must be careful, in mobileBefore the Internet and cloud computing trends, and to embrace change, and expand the advantages of their own. "The Internet is very popular last year, various companies are listed, are relatively small companies can get a large investment. There have been big changes in the past one year, Chinese Internet companies in the United States listed are very difficult, but why entrepreneurs are so busy�� ����"Li believes that this optimistic about the relationship between the two trends are with you: Mobile Internet and cloud computing. "We have long formed the idea of curing in the heart: as long as there are enough user, will certainly have the money earned. But this way of thinking and wrong. "Robin pointed out for example, there are many companies in the PC era, for example Netscape browser,It has a lot of users, but because there is no business model has failed. Users of mobile Internet screens-limited and fragmented manner, makes the PC the Internet ads, games, e-commerce is facing big challenges: mobile advertising is weak on PC, Mobile requires lightweight games, much different than the PC large client of the popular online games Diablo 3 power leveling, how toMaking money many people say is not clear; mobile e-commerce, payment advantages are inferior to PC; LBS leading local business model has failed to become mainstream map development in the sector. "A lot of people are optimistic, but I felt the need to be cautious, you need to seriously consider what its business model should look like in the future. , "Li told a year to think aboutViews derived from mobile Internet to good development, we must rely on cloud computing. He believes that IT has made substantive progress in technology in the data center, many mainstream Internet companies are building their own data center also began to customize the server, storage, delivery of the whole Cabinet, custom design and so on technology progress and innovation. These belong to the cloud "hard"Aspect. "Soft" aspects of cloud computing architecture, many Internet companies have some accumulation. Li pointed out that the search is a typical example of cloud computing, search is very simple, but only on one computer is not complete, so a search was born cloud computing. So many years in the past, search engines growing rapidly, BaiduGradually mature, now at a certain time to do some alterations it made universal platform, platform developers can more easily develop applications. Due to small mobile terminals, computing power and features are subject to many restrictions, these restrictions can be very good abilities make up for cloud computing. Others:

