2011年11月29日 星期二


129668731831406250_263Civilian police in the ground fire a warning shot (video screenshot). Yesterday at about 6 o'clock in the morning, bantian, Longgang, in Leon Po community, by letting each other in the two cars stuck in an alley, then spat into fighting between the two sides. Once out of the scene, the two sides had brought together hundreds of people come to blows, even rushed to the scene of the civilian police were wounded. In order to prevent developments expanded policeFire a warning shot in time, before eventually quell this mess. Police fired to quell "flames" Yu Bantian Street Daihatsu Po community on the status of the incident the first road at its junction with bulonglu. Yesterday at 9 o'clock in the morning, when the journalists arrived on the scene, and police have several parties involved in the fighting between the two sides back to the police station. Although the community has returned to calm, but the scene residents talk about the matter, you stillHaunted. "Confused, both sides there is excitement, pulling, fighting near more than an hour, even got to the police are unable to control the situation. "Scene people Mr Chen told reporters that things start with past 6 o'clock in the morning, the two sides continue to call for help, hundreds of people have been the equivalent of confrontation until 9 o'clock in the morning. At that time many staff medical devices such as sticks, with theState expanded, the police deploy additional police forces arrived on the scene one after another to maintain order. Journalists see from the video taken by Mr Chen, when brought together hundreds of people on the street diablo 3 gold, crowd diablo 3 power leveling, a lot of uniformed police and investigative. One of the police station in a forklift truck, shouting out to the crowd from the high, but no one listened. Until the scene raised his pistol down another civilian police warning shots, and the sceneGradually calmed down, then police officers will be the two sides back to the police station for enquiries. ()

