2011年11月29日 星期二

and Japan and Europe. According to Thailand Central Bank Web site data

129667840541709142_338Thailand Central Bank Governor Zhang Xuzhou said recently, Thailand's Central Bank has begun to RMB into its foreign currency reserves, but the proportion of 1%. Zhang Xuzhou said if the currency of global liquidity enhancement, Thailand's Central Bank to increase the Yuan will be implemented in phases as the size of its foreign exchange reserves. Some commentators pointed out that, this is the internationalisation of significant progress. ASEAN countries like to see peopleCurrency internationalization of Thailand's Central Bank reserves Management Department official who asked not to be named said to reporters, Thailand is planning to spend reserves on its Government bonds, is currently the project is in its infancy. The official told reporters: "Thailand's Central Bank after the comprehensive consideration of the global economic situation believe that China's economic development has been very healthy, stable, China andASEAN countries ever closer economic ties, increase Thailand national reserves in Asian currencies, especially the Yuan, is a very realistic alternative. "Head of financial stability of Thailand Deputy Governor of the Bank ajiana have previously said that Thailand's Central Bank plans to invest foreign exchange reserves in Renminbi capital markets, in China or Hong Kong to buy RMBBond diablo 3 gold, this part of the input to the Chinese capital market funds would become Thailand's foreign exchange reserves a part of it. Ajiana said Thailand's Central Bank of China for foreign institutional investor mechanism standard, people's Bank of China has announced that Thailand's Central Bank can invest in the bond market, and approved the investment of RMB 7 billion. Thailand Central Bank through a variety of investmentHolds part of the currency, such as in China or Hong Kong Chinese bonds. As China is becoming more and more important in the world economy, in order to better focus on China's economic development dynamics, and China's economic development, Thailand's Central Bank has opened an Office in Beijing, Thailand will derive more benefit from China's rapid economic development. Currently Thailand foreign exchangeReserves are mostly invested in United States and the United Kingdom, and Japan and Europe. According to Thailand Central Bank Web site data, as of November 18, 2011, Thailand's foreign reserves totalled US $ 168.29 billion, a total of 179 billion dollars of international reserves. Singapore OCBC Economist Xie Dong Ming told reporters that, Thailand's Central Bank decided to start peopleThe currency into foreign currency reserves, mainly motivated by two considerations: first, gradually diversify foreign exchange reserve currency. Excessive reliance on the dollar before the Asian countries, many organizations need for short-term financing in dollars in Asia, including a letter of credit for trade settlement. Excessive reliance on the dollar, Asian trade would be affected. From a structural point of view, the dollar weakened long-termThe trend will not change. Therefore, the Asian countries want to move away from the dollar foreign exchange reserves, in order to preserve value. Second, in order to meet the internationalisation of the change. In recent years, the economic and trade exchanges between China and Southeast Asian countries are frequent, especially after the built in China and the ASEAN free trade area. Internationalisation is an unstoppable trend, also like to see people in Southeast Asia countriesInternationalization of currency proceeds smoothly. Commenting here believes that Thailand's Central Bank currency into foreign currency reserves could Herald, other Asian countries will also further to buy Yuan-denominated bonds to diversify foreign reserves. Xie Dong Ming believed that Thailand's Central Bank the renminbi into foreign reserves, positive impact on the economies of the Asia-Pacific region, will also encourage more AsianCountries joining in the ranks. Offshore market matures and takes time Thailand was not the first the renminbi into the Southeast Asian country's foreign exchange reserves. In September 2010, Malaysia's Central Bank to buy Yuan-denominated bonds as part of its foreign exchange reserves. At the same time, Sanoussi, Governor Central Bank of Nigeria in Africa in September, has said, in response to the growing European debtCrisis, the Central Bank plans to increase its proportion of its foreign exchange reserves, 10% reserves "as soon as possible" converted into Yuan, or about 10.2 billion to $ 20.4 billion yuan. Sanoussi said that target had been set a year ago, RMB will inevitably become a reserve currency diablo 3 power leveling, convertibility of RMB outside China is also makes it very attractive.Experts believe that the international financial crisis of 2008, as banks ' main short-term funds are no longer stable, many banks are hoarding, reluctant to release a loan of us $, dollar as the currency scarcity. This could further deteriorate the crisis, which affected the real economy. Xie Dong Ming said despite the dollar's position remains not challenging, but after a can become an alternative tradeCurrency, at the time of a new round of financial crises, "dollar shortage" will be slowed, trading systems will be able to avoid confusion, in favour of the Asian trade. In addition, if the dollar funding costs are high, will also affect the development of international trade. Therefore, the renminbi into foreign reserves, in RMB trade settlement is a good thing. Thailand Thai-President of the economic and trade associationShantou · real Li Meng Dagong were of the view that if the extensive use of RMB in China-ASEAN free trade area to be cleared can play a role of checks and balances to $, greatly reducing the $ relied too much on the negative factors in regional trade. Xie Dong Ming said offshore markets since its start July 2010 in Hong Kong, has been substantially improved its liquidity, investors in offshoreFields also have deepened their understanding. However, the offshore market is still in its infancy stage, only $ 622 billion of liquidity. Offshore market matures, you also need a procedure.

