2011年11月24日 星期四

Li Xiaoxia mistakes a lot

129615046195000000_2261NetEase sports reported September 25: international table tennis Federation Austria open women's singles semifinal contention, Liu Shiwen 4-1 beat Li Xiaoxia, and Jim dinning realignment finals, China's women's singles ahead of taking care of Championship. Top-seeded Li Xiaoxia, third round Fan Ying 4-0 light take team-mate, one-fourth final cent defeated Japan new star IshikawaPure. Liu Shiwen one-fourth finals cent force captured Japan "China Doll" Fukubara love, advancing to the semi-finals and Li Xiaoxia successful realignment. Li Xiaoxia into slower, Liu Shiwen competition in the first three Board made the initiative in, attacking the success rate is very high, Li Xiaoxia mistakes a lot, come up and down, to 5-11Lost one Council. The second Li Xiaoxia is still difficult to get rid of the passive situation, Liu Shiwen was proactive, Li Xiaoxia unable to narrow the differences, to 8-11 and then lost game. Third Council Li Xiaoxia counterattack, finally making the momentum, holding Liu Shiwen attacks at 11-8 regain a Council. Directorate IV Li Xiaoxia back into beingDynamic, Liu Shiwen a swift and fierce attack, formed after the stalemate obvious advantages, leading the way to 11-7 won. Fifth Liu Shiwen continuing their victorious pursuit to bite the Li Xiaoxia remains poor, Liu Shiwen spurt in 11-6-an end to the fighting, with a total score of 4-1 to beat Li Xiaoxia advancing to the final new Division Champion of the world table tennis championshipsGrace Ting Ning one-fourth 4-2 eliminated in the finals after defeat to cut player Wu Yang Luxembourg 48 veterans Ni Xialian, semi-final against Singapore name Yue Wang. Jim dinning to status soon, taking advantage of opponents lizuweiwen, suppressed opponents, forestall one ' s opponent by a show of strength to 11-4. Second Jim dinning was playing some free, Yue Wang active sound attack, Jim dinning to 6-11 lost. Third Jim dinning in the case of start to lag behind, overtook to 11-8 and then win. Turn up the Directorate IV score between the two sides, Jim dinning, and 8-7 even after 3 minutes, to win the 11-7. The fifth ancient bite the Yue Wang, Jim dinning was pressed with4-11 dusting. Sixth Council urge again and again not to ancient Yue Wang opportunity, leading the way to lock 11-5 shengju, with a total score of 4-2 to defeat Yue Wang, and Liu Shiwen meet finals, ahead of China's women's singles championship.

