2011年11月23日 星期三

the near field communications

129614837957343750_468Google's mobile payment service Google Wallet Sina Tech News September 26 Beijing time this morning the message, according to United States IT Web sites PCWorld reports, Google's mobile payment service "Google wallet" (Google Wallet) released soon met with a variety of technical andOperation failed, but it's unclear scope of these failures. Google recently announced on its website that "to Google Wallet increased wait times above the normal level of credit and debit card data. "In addition, Google Wallet upgrade publishing for Smartphone Nexus s slow progress,Failure to plan available to all users later on Friday. Google customer service representative by telephone Saturday, said: "Google Wallet's release is a bit slow, we are still continuing this work. We don't have a specific timetable, but it should be done quickly. "As for Nexus s handMachine users in Google Wallet officially released after four days later, you do not receive this service, Google Wallet publication progress of the work diablo 3 gold, and increase in Google Wallet credit card and debit card data latency and other issues, Google spokesman declined to comment. Google spokesman on Wednesday said, "all users should beOn Friday received the upgrade ". Previously, Google has said Google Wallet application will be released on Wednesday to the user. Last week, Google released Google Wallet, and said it will be released to customers through wireless forms, while the service "is now present in the Sprint Nexus s network 4GOn the machine. "Analysts say under normal conditions and wireless forms already slow to publish software to users diablo 3 power leveling, usually takes a few days, so that the network will not be blocked. Due to the late release Android system upgrades, Google and a number of supported Android smartphones of mobile operatorsEncountered user's harsh words. United States magazines, consumer reports (Consumer Reports) on Wednesday said, Google rushing released the first mobile payment tool, "but Google promotional commitments made when the product appears to have exceeded its capacity limit. "Apart from the ValleySongs and Sprint, MasterCard, Citi group and First Data to Google Wallet application outside the huge investment partners, such as application publishing delay in normal case does not raise concerns. Will NFC (the near field communications) technologies built into smart phones before concept of developmentKing, the long term, will make sure that participation in the sector of enterprise profits full bowl full, banks can charge a transaction fee, and high-tech companies like Google bring billions of dollars in revenue. Analysts on Google wallet extension released gravity, issues such as how many users received a Google Wallet upgrades have questioned. At the same time,Analysts also doubt, add credit card data takes too long to wait if it means Google Wallet rely on complex networks, systems and transfer mechanisms there are bigger problems. (Quercus)

