2012年1月12日 星期四

Diablo 3 Gold and caused different reactions. First ZHY

129667786283427892_285The end is approaching, continued accumulation of property measures begin to work, first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai buildings are now discounted sale was real estate investment, real estate prices in Hainan News followed. About Greentown China "under investigation", "insolvency" sort of rumor, seemed more real estate market began to adjust signals in real terms. With the real estate marketEntering adjustments, the involved the effects of the real estate market to become clear, and caused different reactions. First, the sharp drop in land revenue, some local governments sit, Foshan and Chengdu in the restriction of policy making "little tricks" as it tries to untie themselves and, secondly, real estate developer mentality complex, is still the edge watching side steeper discounts, while "slashing endangers silverAssets "is holding with a view to create a policy eventually relaxed situation. Furthermore, price lead to premium buyers to sales offices in the early part of the "recovered", has also become a developer have pussy price pretext. Such party mentality are different, but have one thing in common, that is still real estate adjustment and easing is expected. 2008 property market regulation "midwayWaste "and subsequent rescue measures introduced, so that" housing prices rise not fall "seemed to have become not rupture of the myth. It is for this reason, community expectations for real estate development errors, resulting in growing of the bubble. However, I want to remind that, at this point not wound up. This real estate regulation to now swtor power leveling, while the gradual effectiveness of adjusting Diablo 3 Gold, seniorConstantly releasing's determination to continue to promote regulation, does not reach does not give up campaignMacro-economic context has changed. "How about a cry crying all the way"Crying all the way yay! "12 feet or Fan Zhongyan, road to greater administrative areas in Song dynasty name; cried all the way, refers to a region of the people to suffer. History of the Ming, Under the grave situation in the global economy, reasonable boot, gradually squeezing domestic real estate market bubble, economic "soft landing" is a matter of urgency. With the advance of rebalancing the global economy, the dollar index rising sign, international recycling developed economies in sight, facing adjustment in asset prices in emerging markets risk. Pulling back sharply with international capital to the national economySubstantial damage, less active ahead of the release risks to reduce sudden changes caused by external force shock wave. Moreover, changing the situation of excessive concentration of social resources in the field of real estate, this is also the adjustment of economic structure, economic development means the transformation of problems. (The Shanghai Securities News) Gold-line statement: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirmed its descriptionOnly for investors ' reference and do not constitute investment advice. Investors a basis for action, at your own risk.

