2012年1月9日 星期一

swtor power leveling often remarks out and become friendsUnder attack from TIM

129668571664843750_47In mid-November, Beijing citizens to police phone-in requests that Mr Wu, Internet users in a micro-Bo Yan threatened to his or her natural family assaulted in his, and the use of micro-blogging "live" the whole process. Mr Ng said that this verbal threat has affected their normal lives, he is very worried about their personal safety. Recently, Yan arrested otherwise threatens another person with personal safetyPolice detained 5th penalties for public security.  Yan was therefore conduct public security detention by the police was the first person. Often micro-Bo knows BlackBerry Battery, for fear of alerting "people he" was in fact is a Professor of CUPL Wu Danhong (microblogging vest is "Patrick Wu days"). Since last year, he was very active on the Internet, often remarks out and become friendsUnder attack from, but also because of frequent attacks on media and media with conscience, intellectuals, artists and experienced renrenhanda "courtesy".  Who called him a lot on the Internet, Yan estimated Internet users themselves did not expect today's result. Microblogging platform is a relatively open discourse swtor power leveling, words due to disagreements occur almost daily, "micro-blogging about the" veryTo time, Internet users are keen to act.  However, as Zheng Yefu, Professor of sociology at Peking University said, venting, and pointing and name-calling is not unusual in the network, but it's very small talk is one thing, put into action is another matter, freedom of speech once broke through the boundary, it is easy to hit the red line of the law. Judging from the current public opinion, both agree that the police practice of soundTone, there are people with different opinions to public security detention, visible, how evaluation network threats of such acts, is not a consensus in the community. However, to appropriate norms and constraints of the network is necessary, but not the same as controversial libel, restrictions on the freedom of a "black hand".

