2012年1月12日 星期四

swtor credits LMY

129667864509365392_501New energy vehicles eligible for policies promoting support 10th joint Ministry of finance, the Ministry of science and technology and the development and Reform Commission released on better energy-saving and new energy vehicles demonstration pilot work notice (hereinafter referred to as the circular), the proposed exemption from new energy vehicles-rolling numbers, restrictions, and vigorously promote the construction of facilities and other measures. The industry believes that policy implementationHelps to promote new energy vehicles in China accelerates.  Promote and improve the relevant matching measures on 10th, finance, the Ministry of science and technology Diablo 3 Gold, the Ministry and four ministries jointly issued the development and Reform Commission on better energy-saving and new energy vehicles demonstration pilot project notice. The circular stressed the related measures to promote and improve the requirement in implementing the Central pilot policyAt the same time, actively looking for new energy vehicles to implement from auction, polar number, license plate restrictions such as restrictions, and introduction of parking fees, tariff, road tolls and other supporting policies, extensive arouse the enthusiasm of purchases, the use of new energy vehicles. In addition, also developed a charging infrastructure construction plan, new energy vehicles for individual users or workplace parking spaces in its residential parkingSupporting construction charge, such charge ratio of pile and new energy vehicles shall not be less than 1:1; charge the user for new energy vehicles facility construction service; in government offices and shopping malls, hospitals and other public facilities and public car parks, properly set up a dedicated parking spaces, and supporting the charge, while well chosen and the construction of city level resources override demonstration run areaFast charging network. Full benefit of the industry chain in China last year introduced a policy of subsidies for private purchases of new energy vehicles, clearly the central finance for private purchases of pilot cities, the registration and use of plug-in electric hybrid passenger cars and pure electric passenger cars for a one-time subsidy. Allowances determined in accordance with dynamic battery energy, new energy vehicles to support conditions are met,Subsidies while pressing the $ 3,000/kW.  Plug-in electric hybrid passenger vehicles each maximum subsidies of $ 50 swtor credits,000, pure electric passenger vehicles each maximum subsidy of $ 60,000. Last year, in addition to using energy-saving and new energy vehicles demonstration outside the city has expanded from 13 to 25 and also in Shanghai and Changchun, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Hefei, Anhui in 5 cities to start private purchases of new energy vehicles subsidiesPilot work; in addition to outside the Central Government, local policies also introduced allowances.  But a year later, new energy vehicle actual exposure is not as expected. Insiders believe the cause is supporting facilities have not been popular, in addition to governance measures such as blocking restrictions, introduced shake also led to sales slowdown in auto industry. 10th the circular was undoubtedly to newEnergy vehicle development and "green light". The industry believes, the circular will be acceleration of new energy vehicles popularity will help industry chain on the company's development. But unlike previous is, facilities-related manufacturers guodian nanrui (600,406), XJ electric (000400), siyuan electric (002028), rxpe (002123),Guodian South (600,268) will step in to benefit from companies such as a list. Chengdu business daily reporter Hu Yuhui

