2012年1月1日 星期日

now the most scarce is the bond investment and research in the industry people

129667889681709142_201Era of fixed-income products on. The middle of this month, China Banking Regulatory Commission halted short-term financing products. "Bank short-term financing product being halted, for the Fund is good news," told reporters the Fund, will transfer to the Fund of funds investment and wealth management needs, in particular monetary funds. Main capital stocks (eleven-twenty fifths) certain unit cut meatFled certainly regret sudden boom is not likely in a move investors Gospel: hold stocks saved!  Recently, the share of fixed-income products net purchase of steady state. Data show that as at the end of the third quarter, Bond Fund has a total share of 132.156 billion, from 119.624 billion during the second quarter, a single quarter by 12532 million copies at the same time, when monetary funds from the second quarter increased to 118.132 billion of increased share 7.083 billion.  In response, said the fund industry in Shanghai, since the second half of this year, fixed-income products share is rising all the largest in fund products. At the same time, silver Pu grading debt increased profits base to beXue Zheng told reporters any Fund Manager, for the moment, bond market is a better investment environment in the future, "probably about half a year's time was a comparison to determine. "Annualized yields" recently, IMF has been rendered net purchase, can be caused by short-term financing needs increased. "Members of the Fund, told reporters, in the third quarter of the year, Monetary Fund as a wholeAchieving net purchase 70duoyifen. On November 18, the China Banking Regulatory Commission Chairman Shang Fulin said at a fourth analysis informed the economic and financial situation, "in principle not allowed to release 1 month and the term of financing products. "In addition to tighten banking financial products, IMF restrictions were relaxed. Recently, the China Securities Regulatory Commission issued new rules of money market fund, Money market fund investment agreement deposit ratio to be let go. "Overall, after opening the agreement deposit cap, to the Monetary Fund is good news.  "Fund study said large Monetary Fund, will have the opportunity in terms of agreement deposit interest rates to improve their bargaining power. According to the 7th annual yields of harvest Fund breaking 7%, Leading the International Monetary Fund.  In the third quarter of the year, money market funds to achieve full positive returns, annualised yield of 75 Monetary Fund at 3.52%.  Annualised yields of rising, makes Monetary Fund three quarters only increase the size of Fund products. Statistics show that as at the end of the third quarter, the overall size of the monetary funds for 125.215 billionDollars, compared with $ 118.132 billion during the second quarter, a 6% increase in size. "The third quarter, equity fund lost more than 100 billion yuan of assets.  "The Fund said the market fell in value caused by, contrast is that stable monetary fund assets increased advantage of the more obvious. More than four quarters, this year money market funds madeGood performance. Statistics show that as of November 24, IMF this year the old republic power leveling, the average yield of 3.04%, in 45 currency Fund, there are 28 products this year yields greater than 3%. Among them, guangfa money Fund yields as high as a 3.61%, currency, Wah Fu and yields also increased profits a cash fund of the SouthHigher than 3.5%.  This year, the monetary funds is the relatively poor performance of yimin currency, its yield of 1.65%, against international currency a, huatai Bai Rui a and scenery along the great wall money a yield below 2.5%.  In the first three quarters of this year, Bond Fund's performance is not that eye-catching. As of November 24, 86 debtCoupon funds, yields the highest this year is the GF reinforced bond, a performance of 4.95%; are listed in the China Merchants Antai bond fund a Fund, the Everbright prudential returns a, which yields this year and 3.87% respectively.  However, since October, warmer in the bond market rally. Regardless of the General debt-based,Leveraged share of debt is also graded base, that showed a rise in varying degrees, even leveraged debt based discount rates narrowed considerably less.  While this year's four quarters, only just 1.5 months of time, there is a debt based on yields as high as 8%. According to the October 1, bond funds, AB Bauhinia enhanced income fund to 8.38% performance-leading, at sound followed by increased profits when a Fund, Bo credit Bond Fund, which in this period of growth and 7.73% respectively. "The bond market after a sharp rebound in October, and November continued to extend, rebounded after the is many investment opportunities in the bond market also. "Silver Pu grading debt increased profits base to beAny Fund Manager Xue Zheng said that half a year of better investment environment in the future swtor power leveling, including some credit debt.  In his view, the trimmer reduces funding rates of monetary policies, thereby contributing to the bond market will support, but due to the supply of credit debt larger, some still hovered in the high qualification of bond yields, which will provide a good investment opportunity. Talent gap andFrom this year's new fund products, fixed income products accounted for more than 30%.  Statistics show that as of November 21, the Fund launched earlier this year a total of 248 (a, b, counted separately), in which Bond Fund, currency and capital preservation funds, a total of 79. Judging from the share of new product release, as ofOn November 21, 2011 deadline share ranking first or second is South of capital preservation fund, ICBC Credit Suisse added rhythm b fund their share of the distribution deadline per cent and 4.845 billion, respectively.  Fixed-income products selling, has caused this type of investment and research personnel gap expanded. "Before, the industry is more concerned about equity researcherTrends in mobile frequent recent is fixed income professionals.  "Members of the Fund, told reporters this month there were a number of fixed income Director level personnel changes. In November, China AMC's original Director of fixed income, investment decision-making Committee, Yang Aibin resignation.  According to industry sources, Yang Aibin alone to join private equity, build their own portals. ByOn Yang Aibin Huaxia Fund does not act as Fund Manager, so China AMC's website does not publish the announcement of his departure.  However, on November 19, Chinese cash increased profits in the Fund prospectuses, Committee members in a bar in investment decisions, Yang Aibin name does not appear. "In the coming years are bond funds rapidly expanding opportunity, whether it is a public offering or aPrivate-equity firms, will increasingly attach importance to the business.  "Fund told reporters that Yang Aibin Huaxia Fund has been responsible for hundreds of billions worth of fixed-income investments, he is thereby also on fixed income would be more original, may now be timing to the expansion of fixed-income products.  In addition, there are two fixed income staff changes this month. On November 2, Wah Fu Estate FundIn a posting on its website two notice of change managers, according to its contents, Wah Fu gains enhanced return on bonds, Wah Fu Estate enhanced Bond Fund Manager Zeng Gang will leave office, but also not transferred to other jobs in the company.  According to industry sources, Zeng Gang will travel to China Universal Fund as the post of Director of fixed income. "China universal recruitment of Zeng Gang, may want toIn expanding the company's fixed income assets in these two years.  "Zeng, a researcher at China, told reporters, China Universal Fund is large, but the company's fixed-income assets are smaller. Statistics show that up to three quarters of this year, China Universal Fund owned a total of 18 funds, assets under management total $ 48.9 billion. Fixed income products in a total of 4Only, includes 2 bond funds, 1 monetary funds and 1 capital guaranteed fund, the total size of the four products to 5.86 billion, to 12% per cent of all asset sizes.  In addition, on November 18, harvest Fund announcement said the original harvest secure income bonds, harvest bond fund manager Liu Xi will leave office, the Fund Manager duties by Qu Yang took over. "Whether it's offering, is private, it seem to be aimed at the fixed income this cake.  "Industry insiders told a press conference, now the most scarce is the bond investment and research in the industry people, 500,000 annual salary is also looking for less than 3 years working experience in debt researchers.  Fixed income flow of talents, not only limit at the Director level. On November 15, the great wall Fund announcementSaid the departure of the original great wall sound increased profits Fund Manager Shoko are, by the new Fund Manager Shi Yangang took over.  Public information displays, robust Shi Yangang increased profits of the new Fund Manager of the great wall, was in June of this year have just joined the great wall Fund team, during his March 2009 June 2011, as Cathay Pacific funds fixed income investment manager position. Recruited from the fund companyThe information, current investment and research on credit products, bonds of people lack. "Most fund managers, early in the development of focused equity product development, now fixed-income product development period. "The Fund said, working closely with the fixed-income products issued, on the researcher, fund managers and other staff would be scarce andMarketable.

