2012年1月28日 星期六

Diablo 3 Power Leveling so there have been a loss of patient"The ball" - HTD

129668732787187500_181Cartographic Wu Wei H114 a long time, mainland due to the high prices and high cost of medical insurance system more respectable people on issues such as criticism, the departments concerned are also in continuous improvement. With a sea between mainland Taiwan has long implemented is commonly known as "health care" system of universal health insurance, through constant practice and improved, health-care system has become popular universally praised, and reputationOutside. In 2000, the United Kingdom the Economist magazine announced the "World Health rankings", after comprehensive indicators, Taiwan ranked second Diablo 3 Power Leveling, second only to the welfare of Sweden. Advantages: 99% of the people's insurance to learn one Taiwan friends, in the United States at the University of retirement, old in pain and separation of children back to Taipei, asked him why it is important to return to Taiwan, he replied: "TaiwanNational health insurance system is good, multiple diseases in the elderly, there is no burden on the doctor. "If Taiwan people on Taiwan favor of the existing systems, health insurance will certainly draw comes top. According to an authoritative survey data, Taiwan people satisfaction as high as 80% of the national health insurance system, which is a miracle in a pluralistic society figures. What are the characteristics of good medical insurance? Each people has an answerComing up: spend less swtor power leveling, the doctor, who can enjoy. Taiwan since 1995 implemented universal health insurance, whether urban village, coverage for up to 99%. With a health insurance card, whether young or old, all enjoy the same medical treatment. Premium does not consider the history of health or age, only after paying personal income from wages, partially by the employers, financial, personal, about6. A public servant, employee, premiums are borne by individuals, organizations, Government press 3bi6bi1; the second is to join the occupational trade union members and external hiring crew, individuals and Government paid by 6:4; third, such as farmers, fishermen, individuals and Government pay scale of 3:7; private enterprise owners, 100% borne by the individual; soldier, low-income households are all paid by the Government。 Compel employers to pay premiums for their employees health insurance system, if the reports do not pay, is punishable by 2 to 4 times a fine, without a job, insurance on a spouse, parent or child dependent, both unemployed and not dependent on others, with residence certificate to the seat of the city Diablo 3 Power Leveling, town, rural insurance. Such a system designed to ensure a health insurance "universal". Spend less to see the doctorPremiums paid by more than one person how many? Office worker is a monthly salary of about one-fortieth, unemployed is NT $ 600 a month, about 136 Yuan or so. After paying the money, every time a doctor only paid NT $ 100 to $ 200 registration fee, others are basically free to seek medical treatment. Health insurance covers items from washing teeth and having children to dialysis, long-term hospitalizationTreatment, including clinics swtor power leveling, dentists, Chinese medicine, inspection checks, home care, prescription drugs, preventive care in areas of insurance. Journalists in Taiwan during the work of friends, one of the more than 70 years of age twice a week to the hospital for dialysis, has up to 10 years, normal life so far, the quality of life is not falling because of illness. A senior media person did a heart bypass operation,Check into the hospital pays $ 20,000 to the surgery, his salary was not one-third. Also a friend of preterm infants in intensive care unit stayed for 45 days, hospital bills are NT $ 500,000, and she will pay more than 10,000 yuan. According to Taiwan National Health Insurance Bureau survey, in the low-income population, average premiums paid more than 3,200 t $ per person per year, consumer medical costs forMore than 16,000 yuan, 1:5 per cent, while in higher income groups, pay premiums over $ more than 6,400 per person per year, consumption of medical cost of more than 14 Diablo 3 Gold,000 yuan, is 1:2. People are free to selected hospitals Taiwan does not implement the referral system, with a national health insurance cards can be free choice of hospital, the hospital generally, there are 4 levels, namely, regional medical center hospitals, district hospitals and grass-roots consultation, People to see the doctor is very convenient. Hospitals with medical records and the national health insurance Bureau settlement at all levels. Used to be a "reward", because there are unscrupulous doctors made medical records to deceive Diablo 3 Power Leveling, and some hospitals to seek benefits and hope for the good, 35 minutes they sent out a clinic patient, plus hospital costs rising year after year, national health insurance Bureau launched the total amount of payment system, that the national health insurance Bureau do notFull payment of hospital fees, but set a limit, designating a total payment in advance, if they total less than the original amount paid reported by hospitals, in proportion to the total beyond the original discount payment. Regardless of the hospital and how do national health insurance Bureau Bill is that people freely to choose a hospital, with virtually free medical care, there is no change in a dozen years. Issues: loss every yearRising health care is good, the only drawback is the most deadly, that is a loss. Since the introduction of national health insurance every year from the date of loss, and loss figures rise year after year, 2009 lose NT $ 32.2 billion 2010 42.7 billion, loss figures will reach 56 billion this year, only number in recent years more than hundreds of billions. How to block health care loss in black holes of Taiwan has been discussed for several years。 Because the NHIB pays hospitals total payment of both medical drugs, someone's got sword hospital medication, known as the "pharmaceuticals black hole." Bureau of national health insurance drug prices for benchmark restrict hospital drug prices, also on 7 occasions and lower drug prices, but University Hospital bargaining power with the drug because of the large quantities of drugs, was able to earn in a baseline price differences, this is from a negative perspective "black hole", but from beingSurface and no more than national health insurance Bureau of drug prices, have curbed the profits of the drug industry phenomenon. "Black hole" false report also included excessive use of drugs, drug prices, and so on, it is learnt that the Bureau of national health insurance pay hospital medicines for a total of more than 80 billion a year, but drugs output in that year more than 65 billion, nearly 20 billion of the pockets of the post went to the hospital. Drug waste too large hospitals recognized price variancesIncome, but said the sum of money to supplement the medical, since there is not "reward" Diablo 3 Gold, is likely to be the difference between the reimbursement, so each hospital there is pressure on the operation, we need the money to fill. For instance, some major surgery done for 10 hours, but it is only one case, Bureau of national health insurance one-fourth of just enough money for medical costs paid, major surgery to make a loss, so there have been a loss of patient"The ball", is pushing hospitals to let go of bad example. Accused hospital opened too many drugs, doctors cry out about one ' s grievances that patients were not to see a doctor, but to prescribe medicine, Taiwan per capita average 4 out-15 times a year, for each prescription drug, 25% be thrown away diablo 3 gold, this is not the doctor's fault, is a doctor easy cheap, some of them developed "visiting hospitals" habit, morning lookSection this afternoon and have a section, believes in the big hospitals better than small hospitals, medicine is better than no medicine, CT check better than General checks. In particular, Taiwan has entered an aging society, medical spending is rising. Address: health care reform go health insurance losses to be sustainable. Make drug spread in hospitals, medical waste, medical cost increases are reasons. Taiwan authorities think there originalOr what premium inflation, did not rise, unreasonable and Premium design. Individual payment of premium wages, but now, with famous artist Lin Zhiling as an example, she did not join a trade union or employer, there is no fixed salary, as her health insurance premiums and the unemployed, $ 600 per month, is incredible. Taiwan national health insurance reform will mainly concentrate on the premium, a programme for reformKnown as the "second generation health care", has now passed, is implemented next year, health insurance, second in family units, for the family's total income instead of individual wage income is in the premium benchmarks. Some gotta lose this new approach was pleased, generally speaking family, low income premiums declined, but a single, high income insurance increased, to a family of four-year income of $ 2 million is, in accordance with the second generation of national health insuranceThe premium formula, probably more than 800 yuan per person per month premium. Reform to some people, is the premium price, optimistic analysis, Taiwan the current health insurance revenues, 3.5% per cent of GDP, compared with the other areas, the ratio is very low, if the waste or hospital medical resources to eat the difference, in fact, and no outside legend so much space, and a national health insurance bureau basis prices andPay the total amount of control. Health insurance losses mainly living beyond its means, the reform of the premium increase is the point. Is it really so, health insurance reform is successful, it remains to be seen. This newspaper Stringer Chen Xiaoxing D090

