2012年2月19日 星期日

tera gold rare to see a restaurant - OLX

129731621424690000_9A seafood stall in Sanya, consumers are still coming. (Figure/CFP) high-end person of exceptional ability invoice simply Sanya open "slaughtered" tourists are still unprofitable news stream experts said the one-time consumption likely "slaughtered" depth of investigation report from Sanya travel chaos (reporter Tian Xin and Quan Jie on mission) Sanya "slaughtered" event has been concernedHowever, unprofitable despite negative news, but Sanya tourism tourists are still coming, and strong force, asking price $ 5,000 in a Deluxe standard room, hotel all full during the festive period, some tourists are throwing more than 100,000 yuan. Most Sanya Street stalls and seafood is seafood processing shop, rare to see a restaurant, Museum of Cantonese cuisine, or Sichuan Pavilion. Sanya famous Liu WenLiu Wenbo said the wave of seafood processing shop, here in addition to Sanya is rich in seafood and seafood relatively high profit because management and standards, that want to make fast money traders have the opportunity. In Sanya area seafood stalls and processing shops are foreigners, many of whom hold quite a mind left. A seafood stall owner said, was only a few days a year"The best paid" tsw gold, so why do so many seafood stalls during this time jump in price. Reporters found that tourist spending is easier when you get the invoice, but also it is easy to feel free to modify the invoice amount, some taxis, seafood stalls to "no change", provides visitors with an invoice. When reporters took a taxi, as long as the required ticket reimbursement, drivers are the primaryTorn tickets, "helping you claim". Journalists looking for the hotel, requirements development, active travel agency Manager asked reporters "amount to fill a little? "The Manager said, invoice date, and units can be modified. Journalists at a fast-food restaurant for dinner, consumption, but $ 50, the clerk was free to throw reporters a $ 100 invoice. Taxi drivers said they areKnow the tourist development of "uses" tera gold, "many public consumption lips do not say that, anyway, we also understand that initiative to provide an invoice, so that tourists spend more ' generous '. "The driver said, some people have been slaughtered or tongue, because it is not spending their own money. Although there is no accurate digital description to Sanya for pleasure is what the crowd, but encountered many swimDo come to the rich. Despite the price reached during a luxury hotel by the sea in the Spring Festival of more than 5,000 yuan, but almost all full during the Spring Festival. Hotel told reporters, the more popular the more upscale hotels in Sanya, "$ 10,000 a night's room, as was qiangguang. "Expert analysis need not repeat business without fear of decision Research Institute of tourism industry in Guangdong ProvinceLao Yibo, Deputy Director believes that at present China's tourism industry is still in the early stages of the tour, is characterized by more foreign tourists, the time is short, "very likely ' slaughter ', the event". Since most tourists are disposable consumer, do not repeat customers became Manager of crazy drivers of slaughter, "a lot of people (business) life before you go, and will thereforeRuthless slaughter. "Travel to South Lake country · West vacation planning center Deputy Director-General Su Feng said. Guangdong University of finance, Director of the Institute of Economics and management of international tourism and Liu Wei said, in fact, belongs to the full management of MGTO's only travel agencies, hotels, only pipe to the hotel as the tip of the iceberg. Tourism authorities in charge of its actual have management permissions are not equivalent, Severely restricting the quality of tourism management. "Slaughtered", not just in the Sanya welcome: two pay table for 10,000? Report from the Xiamen business newspaper reported, user "Prairie 1979" claimed on Twitter saying, new year evening respectively in gulangyu is also his family ate "market cuisine": 20 people sitting two tables, each table had about 10 dishes, 4 of which are seafood, restaurants withAccounts cost $ 13,000, by consensus after $ 10,000 transaction. Zhou is the Wenzhou people, to travel with their families during the lunar new year. On January 27, and his friends and family more than 20 people to play in gulangyu Island, tour guide recommended at noon, arrived "jinxin Harbor Restaurant" dining. "We have two balconies, but total points 3 crab, a fish, a conch, also with vegetables,22 dishes such as fried. "Mr weeks said, no failing of the menu when ordering," when asked to which price, waiters will offer. "Finish such as billing, a surprise Bill weeks, more than 13,000 yuan! Zhou said that they could not accept this price, but the stranger there, in consultation with the boss, also was paid 10,000 yuan credit cards. Gulangyu islandGuo, Director, current business staff to date has been the restaurant all to order certificates, menus and other consumption holds the record. Staff at an early date the findings. Shenyang Airport: a pot of $ 350 this chrysanthemum tea (reporter-wuwei) the morning of February 5, Phoenix (micro-blogging) reporter said on Twitter lvqiuluwei, Shenyang taoxian airport coffee pot ChrysanthemumJasmine tea as much as $ 350, a stone stirred up Melaleuca, the Tweets will soon be transmitted thousands. Lvqiuluwei micro-Bo said: "the airport coffee shop of a pot of chrysanthemum tea, $ 350 diablo 3 gold, even the most inexpensive. Guess where? This is because the price of the rent or other reasons? "Then lvqiuluwei said when answering user questions, Shenyang taoxian airport is a cafeOn sale $ 350 a pot of chrysanthemum tea. Yesterday afternoon, journalists urged to verify the matter of Shenyang taoxian airport, taoxian airport phone only accept fax complaint without personal service. As of before the press, taoxian airport didn't respond to reporters on the matter. (Editors: Wen Jie) Others:

