2011年12月15日 星期四


129667864435771642_315⊙ Shek Pui Pui "who have no foresight might be confronted. "In addition to enjoy high quality of life, risks or possibly lurking around. Risk of accident, disease risk, pension risk, financial risk of sth Is everyone has to face the risks of life. How, then, to protect the wealth planning?  How to plan ahead? Insurance experts say no asset protection planningFinance and investment, just as "streaking", and if you want to make preparations ahead of, well, good insurance plan will become a necessary choice for family wealth management. Science financial "insurance plan" first response to these problems, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank recently launched the "insurance plan", your account can be done by Bank-personal finance manager professional consultants consulting services, moreTo choose the right insurance product.  It was learned that Shanghai Pudong Development Bank "insurance plan" family insurance protection and financial analysis of financial advisory services, aimed at demand through scientific, comprehensive analysis, to provide asset preservation swtor power leveling, old-age pension, health, accident, family protection, a full range of security gap analysis, providing customers the actual needs of the insurance plan. And passesOften simple combinations of different insurance products, "insurance plan" service from the family's financial security and wealth management perspective, through the overall financial planning, and effectively help customers insurance demand analysis of real, to provide an array of products from banks, insurance companies, selecting the right products. Not only that, through the professional assessment system, with the top system backgroundLarge product database support and front of the whole process of planning, analysis, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank also combine banking Manager of the specialized knowledge and literacy, from third parties to give customers an objective and professional advice to help customers establish a good financial management concepts, to reduce and eliminate misunderstanding about insurance products, purchase of insurance products to their real needs. Insiders pointed out that "insurance plan"Is another innovative attempt to banking services in the field, each family wealth management needs vary, optimal allocation of funds through the systemic family wealth, can find the right family wealth management best practices, as against the risks facing families. Hard service has introduced financial innovation of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank had been adhering to the "new thinking, heart services" concept,Focused on innovation in financial services, the launch of "insurance plan" service is the following "Fund diagnostic" service after another innovation to try. As Pudong Development Bank released "wealth planning" financial services, one of the "insurance plan" supported by the banking system's robust database, combined with customer preference of financial investment, fully understand the customer's household finances,Investment and security on the basis of specific situations, such as, helping customers to understand their true insurance demands, give customers a whole system of analysis and recommendations to achieve potential risk prevention and protection, and do a balance between risk and return, and customers together to accomplish the overall wealth plan. In addition to technical innovation, Shanghai Pudong Development Bank this product were also carried out on the services, product designImprovement and innovation.  In particular, the "insurance plan" services rely on self-developed insurance planning system in Shanghai Pudong Development Bank, provides customers with a needs analysis, policy review, customized products grouped into one of the one-stop financial planning services. The system also draws insurance company "customer-oriented sales model", family status, first by understanding customers financialSituation and protection of the specific situation, and then with the help of professional analysis system, family insurance, accidents, health care, pensions, assets preservation a comprehensive understanding of customer needs, calculate and quantify the protection gaps and classification, the last issue is clear and straightforward for customers of the insurance plan proposals. Therefore, even if the customer does not have the insurance expertise can also beWithin a relatively short period of time learned that lacking in the protection of the family, to select the right insurance product.  Set analysis method of the planning system specialization, systems, processes, programmes to provide personalized features such as all in one, in industry, with a certain degree of innovation and leadership. Case of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank "insurance plan" services promotion to date, customersWide acclaim.  Traffic accidents, such as food security, especially in the current issue of frequent cases, public awareness of risk and protection has been growing awareness, family insurance in particular, need to be arranged in advance. Ms LAU a youngest son in the family, own work full-time at home wives, family economic burden borne entirely by her husband. Mr Zhang is currently a senior manager of a foreign company, although incomeWell compensated, but travel hospitality very much.  Recently seen exposed on the network some of the well-known hotel food safety issues and certain cities after a serious traffic accident, she is extremely worried about health and safety of the whole family. Shanghai Pudong Development Bank financial advisors Xiao Wang in the grip of Madam Lau family, relying on professional "insurance plan" system, from the family insurance, accident, Old-age pension, medical care, asset preservation, and other aspects of Ms LAU did demand for a full, comprehensive gap analysis. In the communication process, Wang also learned she is risk-aware, several years ago to buy life insurance, but in the end how much to buy, what protection, she said is not clear. Thus, according to Ms LAU's insurance contracts, Xiao Wang to its policy of checkingView, to understand the situation of Ms WONG's family had guaranteed. And then, under "insurance plan" of intelligent calculation system, Xiao Wang, Ms LAU is given one of the following risk protection recommendations: 1, the establishment of the family income security accounts. Mr CHEUNG as the breadwinner, just in case the risks, the family will face tremendous financial pressure; Mr Zhang travel more, andChild is small, it is recommended that Ms LAU for her husband adequate accident insurance and life insurance. 2 swtor credits, the establishment of the health protection account. If there is a health risk, families should be adequate funding in order to reduce the burden on families, ensuring the maintenance of the quality of life. Proposed to Ms LAU for herself and her husband for major configurations of sickness insurance. In addition, because she does not have health insurance, it is recommended thatExtra configuration hospitalization medical insurance. 3, the establishment of education fund special account.  Faced with rising costs of education, it is recommended that Ms LAU configuration gold insurance education for his son, use this series of products unique to the insured exemptions, ensure smooth son through college. Finally, according to the planning process, Xiao Wang issued "insurance plan" system to Ms LAU tailor-made to theInsurance planning report. She felt that Xiao Wang services is professional, not simply to sell products, its recommended insurance plan service is what customers think, helps clients understand family defects of guarantee.

