2011年12月18日 星期日

which required United States

129667750444834142_86Summary: on November 25, 2011, the Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Weimin hosted a regular press briefing. A reporter asked "Australia Defense Minister said recently, will take into account the joint military exercises with China, the United States. What attitude on this? "Liu Weimin said in response to this issue," the Chinese side has consistently insisted on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination of a new security concept. Cooperation in the peaceful development21st century, with the Chinese side hopes that all parties can jointly uphold the concept. "The following is a question and answer records of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs website: asked: it is reported that the Arab League Foreign Ministers ' meeting, held on 24th requires Syria Government signed in within 24 hours to allow the League to Syria sending observation missions of the Protocol, otherwise it will impose economic sanctions. Comment on this? Answer: the concern of the Chinese side whenQian Syria situation, hope Las and Syria from safeguarding the fundamental interests of the people of Syria and the Middle East peace and stability in the overall situation, to end the crisis in Syria to strengthen communication and coordination, properly solve the problem. China believes that Syria question should be adhered to within the framework of the League address, which is realistic and feasible way out, in line with Syria, the Arab States and the international community to the common good. The Chinese side reiterates its appeal to SyriaAll parties concerned to immediately stop all acts of violence, opening balance-inclusive political process as soon as possible, promote the easing of the situation. The international community should provide constructive help. Question: it is reported that members of the EU's climate change said on 24th, of the Kyoto Protocol and the world economic situation had not coordinated, declining emissions has been asked to mandatory cuts in developed countries, emerging only sinceCarbon dioxide emissions. EU new roadmap will be made at the Durban Conference, clear's own emission reduction targets in other countries, which required United States, China, Brazil, and India and South Africa's participation. Comment on this? Answer: it should be noted that two basic facts. First, the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change and the Kyoto Protocol is the most universal international treaty, itEstablished principles and framework for the international community recognized is that every party must fulfil its obligations under international law. Second, the historical responsibility of developed and developing countries are different, the different stages of development, trends in emissions and emission reduction situation, of course, different, it is for this reason, action on climate change to follow "common but differentiated responsibilities", "equity" and "their" principle. DurbanMeeting was imminent, the priority is in the second commitment period of the Protocol and make progress on important issues such as funding, technical support. Hope that the parties to further show their sincerity to promote mutual understanding, strengthen cooperation, promote the outcome of the Durban Conference a comprehensive and balanced. Achieve mitigation objectives, China's actions and results see. China will continue to unswervinglyGreen low-carbon development path, which has been incorporated into the Chinese Government's sustainable development strategy and the "Twelve-Five" plan, contribute to the cause of global climate change. Question: heard that Sino-Indian boundary issue special meeting will be held in the near future, could you give more information? A: at present, India is maintained communication on specific dates, and so on. I did not provideInformation. Q: BRICs swtor credits, 24th on the current situation in the Middle East in Moscow, Deputy Foreign Minister-level consultations, and issued a joint communique. Please describe the relevant circumstances. Answer: on November 24 swtor power leveling, China, Russia, and India, and Brazil, and South Africa BRIC countries held in Moscow, Deputy Foreign Minister-level consultations and exchanged views on the current situation in the Middle East. China's Vice Minister of Foreign AffairsZhai Jun led a delegation to the meeting. Conference issued a joint communique, appealed for respect for the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of States in the Middle East, extensive dialogue in a peaceful manner, actively seeking a solution to the crisis. BRIC countries oppose foreign forces interfere in the internal affairs of States, advocating United Nations Security Council should play an active role, each Party shall strictly implement the Council's authorization. China actively participated in the meeting discussBusiness, said Zhai Juan Deputy Foreign Minister, changes impact on the situation in the Middle East region country councils and all aspects of society, have significant impact on international political, economic and security situation. A politically open, on the foreign policy of independence, economically sustainable development, security, peace and stability in the Middle East to meet common interests of the countries in the region and the international community. BRIC countries should work together to promote regionalTensions gradually ease, supporting national ownership for the political transition and economic and social reconstruction. Meanwhile, the so-called BRIC countries should strengthen cooperation and coordination, uphold the spirit of open cooperation and jointly safeguard the basic norms of international law, oppose the military intervention of external forces on areas. The Chinese side is willing to continue with the joint efforts of the international community, including members of the BRIC countries, towards the Middle East andFlat, stable and make a constructive contribution to the development. Q: Australia Defense Minister recently said would consider holding joint military exercises with China and the United States. What attitude on this? A: on the issue of the Asia-Pacific, we have the following views for your reference. 21st century should be a century of peace, development and cooperation, the Asia-Pacific region should also be in line with this trend of the times. To keep the Asia-Pacific regionPeace for a long time, all parties should be the defenders of peace, stability, prosperity, and facilitator, mutual respect, equal treatment, harmony and common development. The Asia-Pacific region to proceed from the realities and historical experience in the region, in full consultation, taking care of everyone's comfort. China will unswervingly join with the parties, to maintain and promote peace, stability and prosperity in the region continue to make unremitting effortForce. On the issues you mentioned, China has consistently insisted on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination of a new security concept. Cooperation in the peaceful development of the 21st century, with the Chinese side hopes that all parties can jointly uphold the concept. Q: US Secretary of State Clinton's recent visit to Myanmar, China looked forward to on this? Answer: China hopes the United States on the basis of mutual respect with Myanmar to strengthen contacts, improve customsChina respects the choice according to their national conditions in Myanmar's path of development, also hopes that the Government of Myanmar conducive to the promotion of domestic and foreign policy initiatives of the stability and development in Burma.

