2011年12月15日 星期四

and that the injuries did not know what kind of impact will bring Parker

129667775667802892_16Parker-European warfare right shoulder injuries three months old in the arenas injuries causing deficiency in sports car wars NetEase sports reported on November 26: Tony-Parker to return to their France team asiweier war already had for some time, competition will inevitably beset by injuries, however swtor power leveling, it is "France trotting car" had to face the reality of asiweier in the European Cup in the match against Sofia in recent days, people fail to see Parker figure on the pitch, nobody knowsDaopake why the game in the sidelines swtor credits, after media revealed that people only know one of the reasons, according to France's basketball Web site Basket-ball.com disclose message after Parker right shoulder injury in the game increased, to adopt means of treatment, and he therefore missed the European Cup and Sofia after the match, but not "France trotting cart" helpLois Maxwell will eventually score frozen in 66:62. 73,961 messages about Parker in a recent competition right shoulder injury, has been confirmed by the local newspaper 20 minutes, the newspaper said Parker was on the ground of right shoulder injury in time for Saturday's match, in fact, it was "a France trotting" old hurts, that figure had been troubled by hisAs long as three months ' time. In order to avoid further injuries, Parker decided not to participate in the competition against Sofia, is not only that, in accordance with the relevant media, right shoulder injuries will also enable the Parker end up in the next asiweier the sidelines in the match against Strasbourg. After returning to Aspen wellcom team play, Parker has served as the team attacked tipA big blind, picking up on the offense team. But in France in men's Basketball League, France played only 19.8 minutes, so more scoring responsibilities or by "small car" team-mates to share. France Basketball League match, this time Parker injury quezhen will not bring devastating blow to the team. But as far as the NBAThe Spurs and Spurs fans, Parker's the injuries started to really frighten them, because the NBA is currently at the stage of halt, Union explicitly provides that team does not have any contact with the players during a halt, which led to Parker was injured during this time, spurs could not be dispatched Physio work groups on "France trot" for judgment and diagnosis and treatment of injuries.Parker made a halt stage, after all, working for Aspen wellcom team decided that once the halt is over, he will return to NBA again donned the Spurs coat armor, and that the injuries did not know what kind of impact will bring Parker, this is the most worrying thing Spurs fans. However according to a media projectspurs.com of the situation, Parker's injuries should notAs bad as it looks, Parker has been declared, he will attend next month in France Paris Bay Western France all-star game.

