2011年12月3日 星期六


129668688798437500_118Sources said that seven emerging strategic industries to strategic industries in the next 5 years invested some $ 10.8 trillion. In this regard, a market analysts believe that, as is the central economic work Conference to the tone of macroeconomic control policies next year, tighter monetary policies are expected to appear relaxed, markets may take this opportunity to expand the counteroffensive swtor credits, and the first to fight one's way out will be take 10.8 trillion industry supports seven emerging strategic industry stocks. Energy saving and environmental protection: first to fight one's way out as head of the country identified seven key strategic industries, energy saving and environmental protection has become China's long-term basic State policy. National policy emphasizes clearly focus on the development key to efficient energy-saving, environmental protection, resource recycling technology and equipment, products and services, and finance, taxYour Inbox, and financial support. Issued by the State Council of the "Twelve-Five" energy-saving emission reduction clearly put forward the comprehensive work programme to 2015, national million than GDP energy consumption dropped by 2010. According to Deputy Director Xie Zhenhua of the State development and Reform Commission forecasts that by 2015, energy saving and environmental protection industry in China will reach more than 4 trillion yuan of output value. Energy efficiency。 This year, China's power supply was extremely tense, the huge negative impact on China's economic development, how to solve the problem of electricity supply has become the important conditions for stable economic growth, interdepartmental conflicts of interest has led to "coal at loggerheads" phenomenon is no easy solution in the short term, how reasonable and efficient use of available power resources have become key to increase smart gridConstruction and large energy-saving lamp became an important means to solve the problem. At present, the national grid in the "Twelve-Five" plan made clear in the area of intelligent investment of 286.12 billion yuan, special use of the "intelligent" betterment most. Therefore, power grid electricity related information acquisition system will significantly benefit concerns Electric Automation segmentLeading new-link electronics; equally, as the information collection system of smart grid smart meter, collectors, concentrators, and other sharp increase in demand, and brought demands for upstream power line carrier communication chips, and Multicarrier communication chip supplier Neusoft carrier. At the same time, countries from October 1, 2012, the comprehensive above 100W WhiteBlazing lamp sales and imports, to more than 2016 incandescent exit lighting markets policies, will also stimulate energy-saving lamps production enterprises such as the development of Foshan lighting company. Environmental protection. Because of the country will focus on support and development of advanced environmental protection, resource recycling, sustainable use and development of green economic stimulus, denitrification, municipal solid waste incinerationElectricity and leachate handling, MBR will be sustained and rapid development. On the stocks concerned, solid waste disposal areas of sound environmental, Grammy; Dragon net environmental of waste gas treatment and three dimensional wire; leading enterprises of domestic refuse leachate treatment weierli obvious advantages. The next generation of information technology: 500 billion output to be developed in the economic restructuring in the future, my Government outProposes to develop the next generation of information technology, especially in the current economic restructuring strategies, will develop a new generation of information technology refers to a strategic level, clearly put forward will speed up fibre broadband networks, next generation Internet and next-generation mobile communications infrastructure, basic into a broadband, convergence, ubiquitous, secure next-generation communications networks. According to the industry developmentPlanning announced and investment size and other factors, Internet, cloud computing, high end software, and emerging information services will become the next year or the next focus on the development of an object. Internet of things. Market by 2015, China's Internet industry will reach $ 750 billion, and that's only $ 200 billion in 2010, which means that in the next 5 years there will be 550 billion scale output wait for excavation. From the perspective of industry development, awareness technology will be the first to open up the field, which in terms of RFID technology leading looking Valley, and card business to maintain rapid growth of new Cape presents aggressively expanding market opportunities. Cloud computing. As a product of computer science and Internet skills development, cloud computing is the future of information industry innovationsKey strategic technologies and means, the next 5 years, cloud computing market will exceed $ 200 billion. In this regard, investors can focus on the Special Fund established by the national development and Reform Commission supports key enterprise in the cloud control in heaven, and its market share in high-end business customer Internet dedicated line access at 50%, Dr Internet dedicated line access market share close to 100% PengAnd owns full independent intellectual property rights in the network security of network security products, services and solutions provider Morningstar Chen also deserves attention. High-end software and new information services. On the navigation map dynamic traffic information and services in China with independent intellectual property rights of provider navinfo, Asia's leading geographic information system platform software enterprise hyper-graph softwareAccess to good development prospects due to policy preferences. New energy: nuclear energy is the best available alternative energy sources with the gradual lack of traditional energy resources prices higher and higher, according to estimates of world energy organizations, non-renewable sources of energy like coal and oil, according to the present consumption rate, largely used for 50 years, that there is an urgent need that people must find a better alternativeEnergy. Judging from the current classification of new energy, tidal energy, wave energy, ocean current energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass and so on belong to new areas, but because of the condition of existing technology, these energy due to high costs, low efficiency, instability, and many other issues and difficult to mass adoption, only as a secondary energy source to use, although in the future as the technology advancesLead to cost reduction becomes increasingly uses the object, but not yet available in the short term replacement of traditional energy. However, it appeared to scientists, to fill the traditional energy vacuum at the moment, is that technology has matured and is now a wide range of applications of nuclear energy. Although Japan nuclear leak incident, stagnation in global nuclear energy use, but has more advanced nuclear energy utilization technology in China chose to continueDevelopment. For the utilization of nuclear energy in China, orient securities believes that in accordance with the existing building plans in 2015, China's nuclear power installed capacity will reach 39 million-kilowatt, target of 2020 is expected to reach at least 78 million-kilowatt. Recommendations concerned benefit of robust elastic nuclear power sector enterprises, a sound proposal, attention to Dongfang electric and other low valuations and nuclear power main equipment of the enterpriseFlexible proposals concern nuclear science and technology in Jiangsu Mitac, and, in addition, Zhejiang rich shares are also cause for concern. New energy vehicles: charge one step ahead after the Ministry issued the "Twelve-Five" of industrial technological innovation plan, specific energy-saving and new energy vehicle technologies over the next five years after equipment manufacturing major breakthroughs in the field of technology direction, four ministries subsequently issued on betterEnergy-saving and new energy vehicles demonstration pilot project notice, calling on all pilot cities actively looking for new energy vehicles to implement from auction, polar number, license plate restrictions such as restrictions, and introduction of parking fees, tariff, road tolls and other support policies. While pointing out that pilot cities to new energy vehicles for individual users in their residential parking spaces or a parking space in the workplace supporting constructionSet charging, charging ratio of pile and new energy vehicles shall not be less than 1:1. These support policies with will stimulate new energy consumption growth of family cars, from here swtor power leveling, the areas of concern in the development and production of new energy vehicles made a significant lead of BYD. However, taking into account new energy vehicles are still facing sales prices are too high, limited life, and replace the batteryThe many negative factors such as excessive, was difficult to replace the traditional car position in the short term. But so-called troops and fodder, to make new-energy cars get faster promotion and supporting facilities such as the charging station must speed up the process of building. According to the national grid company planning, the "Twelve-Five" period, the national grid to build charging 220,000, Beijing will only build 256Charging station 210 distribution stations, 42,000 charge. New energy vehicle charging station MAX DC operating power supply manufacturer Auto Express, indigenously developed equipment and electric vehicle charging stations charged Cabinet, charging and power monitoring system, battery and energy storage battery management systems and other products of the power source, combined with large shareholders ' development of new energy and involvement in new energy charging TerminalSystems integration projects and Shanghai potevio, and some products is bound to the charging station and participated in several charging stations in construction stocks such as State power South of the opportunity to clear. Bio: broad biomedical prospect of the bio-industry development "Twelve-Five" plan also will be published before the end. According to reveal the contents of planning, the focus will be falling in biological agriculture, biomedicine, bio-energy, Bio-environmental biological services outsourcing and five, for 2015 national biological production reached 4 trillion by 2020 and reach 8 trillion per cent. In planning, in addition to outside the focus of bio-medicine, biological breeding has also been referred to an important position. Proceeding from the maturity of industry over the next 5 years, vaccines and Diagnostics, innovation in the bio-pharmaceutical medicines, modern traditional Chinese medicine andBiomedical Engineering, bio-agricultural and biological breeding animal vaccine industry tilt of the relatively easier access to capital, which will ensure the long-term development of listed companies in the next 5 years. Bio-medicine. Recombinant protein Tau Changchun high-tech company, leading enterprises of domestic biological drugs double Egret monoclonal antibody drug industry, drug manufacturers and vaccine industry of lizhu group tiantan biological, ChinaOrchid biology, Chongqing brewery can be cause for concern. Bio-agriculture. Although including biological species, biological pesticide, biological vaccine (biological veterinary medicine), several major areas such as bio-feed and bio-fertilizers, but from the market performance, and currently remains concentrated in the biological breeding of the most dynamic, with a focus on companies, Dunhuang seed industry in denghai.NET seed industry at the same time, due to seasonal factors and countriesBroken invest more in agricultural support, marine biology feed additive production group, great northern farmers now also have periodic opportunities. New materials: according to the Ministry on most concept remains in the raw materials industry Gao Yunhu, Deputy Director said the new materials industry "Twelve-Five" had formed in the development plan for the text. In accordance with the plans, by 2015, the regulation of new material industry in ChinaMode will reach $ 2 trillion in GDP, the average annual rate of more than 25%, and in 2010, new material industry size at just over $ 650 billion. Disclose the contents of, the plan's focus falls on special metal function materials, high-end metal structures, advanced polymer material, a new type of inorganic non-metallic materials, high-performance composite materials and cutting-edge new materialsSix broad areas. However, from an investment perspective, new material industry due to the high technological content, high-end products with a wide range of industries still rely on imports, many new materials technical research results of listed companies are still in the experimental stage, the benefit is not clear. Such as the early impact of Graphene, lithium battery separator and rare earth permanent magnet, many companies without the substance,Publicity stunt. For now, has produced Graphene China Baoan and formation of high carbon steel in Kyrgyzstan for the industrialization of carbon can be long-term bullish. High-end equipment manufacturing: pay close attention to "try every means to seek" in October 2010, published by the State Council of the strategy of speeding up the cultivation and development of new industries in the decision of the higher-end equipment as one of the 7 new industries, and defines 5 highPort equipment: aerospace, satellite and application industry, marine engineering, rail transportation equipment, intelligent equipment. Broken down from the industry's future development, "Heaven" and "into the sea" will be the high-end equipment manufacturing industry preferred. "Heaven". Falls to the national aircraft project and space projects. In terms of large aircraft project, CNAC group and AVIC II Corporation's technology, KazakhstanFlying stakes, XI International have some opportunities; and concerns in the field of satellite applications in a space project has a clear advantage in bdstar. "Into the sea". Should focus on the drop in the Ocean Engineering, but taking into account industry characteristics, short term still faced "high investment, high risk". For the industry, focusing in the area of drilling and production platforms, aided technical and financial strength, seaOperations accounted for large sets of leading enterprises in the Group and China heavy industry. In the area of its equipment, you should rest in the marine business income ratio or are being carried out on a massive expansion of the marine business segment of industry leaders, such as mooring chain segments leading Asian satellite cable, casing and subdivision of flagship Shandong molong and capacity expansion of ongoing marine lifting equipment run State shares.

