2011年12月25日 星期日

CoimbraTo make an adjustment

129667775680615392_48Portuguese Super: Zhang Chengdong first offering's debut ball Beira Mar 1-0 take consecutive victories NetEase sports reported on November 26: Beijing time on November 26, 2011-12 season, the 11th round of the Portuguese Super League battle, Chinese player Zhang Chengdong Beira Mar team 1-0 defeated keyingbuladaxue. Zhang Chengdong Kasai acquires a 4th minute goal, which is the first tournament he joined Beira Mar later scored. The start of the gameHou, Beira Mar's quite positive. Kasai just 4 minutes, Beiramar front organization attacked, Christiano passing, nierduo sidewalk forced to knock the ball to the front, insert header gongmen succeeded Zhang Chengdong leaping high pressure on rivals, Beira Mar team 1-0 made a dream start, it was Zhang Chengdong joined the first scored for Beira Mar later. The 6 minute, CoimbraTo make an adjustment, injuries Daniero of the Clifford Ray replaced. The 23 minute, midfielder Atul sent long passes, Zhang Chengdong header gongmen slightly out. 32 minutes, Zhang Chengdong forced passes with the ball, but team-mate are uncertain. The 33 minute, Silva primary penalty kicks to the restricted areas, Meilo header gongmen rub the right column. 40 minute, Maligno restricted areaShake low shot after Defender on the left was Max Reger confiscated. Beira Mar's first half 1-0 lead. Kasai only 4 minutes of the second half, Beira Mar's main penalty corner into the restricted area, but Zhang Chengdong clash goalkeeper. 1 minute later, tour a shot near the closed area is to the left Coimbra keeper catch. Then keyingbuladaxue storm, scramble for the right place in front of Mr Eder missed, then WallenBeat the offside trap pad shooting clean the column after the goal. Beira Mar, very difficult, after Zhang Chengdong is also frequently return to participate in the defense, 72 minutes, Zhang Chengdong pass destruction of the opponent out of the bottom line. And in the 82 minute, Coimbra attacking threats heading leap-bashing by Max Reger. Last minute Beira Mar's strong defence, eventually playing 1-0 wonThe victory swtor power leveling, the team gains two consecutive victories. Beiramar show lineup: 24-Stuart Craig; 18-Pedro Moreira, 4-Carlos Tabares, 5-Ugo foscolo the old republic power leveling, 23-ruoaojinhuo; 6-effort-the Kolho, 7-Atul, 10-Christiano (68'9-Eriau), 16-nierduo-peiteluoli; 29-Douglas (80'21-Balbaud), 28-Zhang Chengdong

