2011年12月15日 星期四

once the ruling will certainly be reached with the Mainland of a new "consensus"

129668732789531250_186Network, November 27-the second cross-strait relations across the Taiwan Strait peaceful development workshop was held on 26th in Shanghai this morning, this session organised by the Shanghai Taiwan Research Institute, Shanghai Municipal Taiwan Research Association co-hosted from universities and research institutions on both sides of the Strait over more than 50 experts and scholars participated in this meeting. This seminar to "review and prospects of peaceful development of relations between the two sides" as its theme,Consists of two sub topics, namely "cross-strait relations of peace and development results and meaning" and "maintaining the overall situation of peaceful development of relations between the two sides". Shanghai Taiwan Ni Yongjie, Deputy Director of the Institute presided over this Conference. He said at the opening ceremony, the General Assembly of the core elements are "defendEnglish "Taiwan independence" essence, crack harmless on the DPP, going clearly understand the DPP would have serious consequences, maintaining the stability of peace and development. Asia-Pacific Peace Research Foundation Board Chairman and Professor of Tamkang University's mainland chunshan Zhao also mentioned that during the past 3 years, unprecedented changes in the relations between the two sides. He said, whether economic orIs on the parties ' relationship, both sides were to walk on the direction of peace and development. He mentioned that the future there are three factors that can have an impact on the development of relations between the two sides--the changing external environment; on China policy direction Taiwan election results. In particular, he proposed, as the present case, Ma Ying-jeou team's mainland policy is relatively clear, but Tsai Ing-wen of the mainland policy still does notUncertain, risks also exist. Seminar was held in the morning to "review and prospects of peaceful development of relations between the two sides" as the theme of the General Assembly, with experts and scholars from both sides of the frank and open manner, around under the current complex situation in the Taiwan Strait, had a lively discussion and interaction. Experts begin by reviewing the peace across the Taiwan Strait in recent years the outcome of the development. Taiwan politicsProfessor Zhu Xinmin of the Department of Foreign Affairs in particular, except through seven times between the two sides, "Jiang Chenhui" 16 agreements outside of the concrete results obtained by also made three achievements that has special meaning. This includes: moving away from the war between the two sides of the crisis; established a mutually respectful understanding of psychological; construction of the institutionalized consultative dispute-settlement mechanisms. In his view, the two sides have made suchFruit was not easily attained, we should especially cherish and protect. At the time of looking forward to the road of peaceful development of relations between the two sides, leaders of the participating experts for the DPP's Tsai Ing-wen said his mainland policy concerns. National Taiwan research society, President of the implementation of Zhou zhihuai indicated: in particular, consolidate the peaceful development of relations between the two sides, must resolutely oppose "Taiwan independence", do not hesitate to adhere to the "92 consensus", whichIs the political basis for peace between the two sides develop common. But the Democratic Progressive Party and its leaders are still stubbornly clinging to the "one country on each side" position, denying the "92 consensus" exists, which is the biggest challenge in future peaceful development of relations between the two sides. Tsai Ing-wen made pronouncements about visiting the Mainland a few days ago, Zhou zhihuai said, it is entirely her own manufacture "hypothetical question"He took it that, now you need to break the Democratic Progressive Party's three illusions. First, the DPP believes that sooner or later to the Democratic Progressive Party to power, the Mainland must face the Democratic Progressive Party; the second, the Democratic Progressive Party swtor power leveling, once the ruling will certainly be reached with the Mainland of a new "consensus"; third, Democratic Progressive Party, once in power, just as the harvest reached by the two sides of the existing results. Zhou zhihuai pointed out that these were the Democratic Progressive PartyUnrealistic illusions, "consensus of ' 92" was the Mainland's political line, if you abandon the "92 consensus" between the two sides will exchange platform does not exist, relations between the two sides from the win-win become zero-sum, from peaceful development into turmoil. From Taiwan Chengchi University Professor Zhao Guocai also said that, in accordance with the Democratic Progressive Party that policy, "Quo; will dead end, overall tightening, throw away overnight on May 5, 6Volume, would mean 5 Taiwan shut down because no students enrollment in private colleges. Tensions between the two sides, foreign investment will come, Taiwan will be a substantial brain drain, Taiwan will enter the "depression decade" swtor credits, "racing for ten years." Zhang Nianchi, Director of the Shanghai East Asia Institute assessment interview after the meeting particularly stressed that the continent has always been a spirit of respect the Taiwan people's feelings,Straight to avoid Taiwan Affairs on the island, especially electoral "makes irresponsible remarks." However, in this election, Tsai team found a lot of false and deceptive – such as, on the Mainland to accept her, continental political dialogue, she came to her in conjunction with the KMT makes no difference and the Democratic Progressive Party in conjunction with the Mainland to reach a new "consensus", and so on, all these remarks involvedAnd on the Mainland, so China must make it clear. He said that we cannot with Tsai Ing-wen, there is no "consensus of ' 92" basis for negotiation and dialogue. As for the Taiwan political party to another, the Mainland will not be surprised, but such a rotation would bring greater instability to the Strait. Zhang Nianchi stressed that "no political demands, not preparing well for the ruling political party came into power, in addition to theInjury in the Gulf, there will be what? "

