2012年3月22日 星期四

diablo 3 gold does not indicate that confirm the description - KSG

129742939332968750_309Prices did drop diablo 3 gold, why people do not feel? On February 18, from domestic famous experts, entrepreneurs gathered in Zhengzhou, on the construction of the economic zone in central China real estate industry forum for the real estate industry in Henan province "the pulse" zhizhao. Liu zhifeng (CPPCC Standing Committee member and President of the China real estate Association, former Deputy Minister of housing and urban-rural development): Central repeatedly issuedFile control market, prices actually fell, but people did not benefit. Down where the benefits of the? To the Bank! Bank from the end of 2008 to 2009 to encourage buying, to the Bank this year mainly to promote market-oriented interest rate, benchmark lending rates from rates of 0.7 times, to 1.1~1.2 or 1.3 times times, so while under the priceDown, but people actually pay the money and does not decrease, this should pay attention to the problems in market regulation. Ren Zhiqiang (the National Federation of real estate Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce, Chairman of Beijing huayuan property company limited): I agree with the views of Minister Liu. Last year, the real estate is down in many cities, but without benefit of the common people, important due to banksAfter raising home loan rates, to transfer money into the pocket of the banks, it was therefore: 1 million of loans, reducing the price of 100,000 dollars, calculated at 900,000, the interest of over 200,000 tera power leveling, the total cost to pay an extra 100,000. Earlier this year, Housing Department of conferences and meetings of the Central Bank have clearly pointed out, want to Bank on the interest rate of the first Suite support�� Hu Baosen (building industry group, Director of China President): developers, limited credit is actually larger than the restriction of influence. Real Estate sold the House to the people after a house down payment paid out, many developers only receive 30%~40% of down payments, mortgage loans of the banks should pay, some for up to six months can not to developers on the account.Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly diablo 3 power leveling, at your own risk. Others:

