2012年3月28日 星期三

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129762943155468750_8Your review: huzhi volume will fall 2.63% fall cent topic shares tumble NetEase Home-NBA-entertainment-news-sports-finance-stock-car-technology-mobile-blog-Forum-video-woman-real estate-home-education-reading-games | Free mailbox-pass login | Twitter RSS NetEase finance channel 2012 the national body of the two sessions, economic reportsNews page 2012-03-14 source: financial total 0 NetEase NetEase finance, March 14-effect by New York's gains, today the two cities both advance and ensuing turmoil, is not to cover gaps at the beginning, since then tera gold, the financial, real estate, oil stocksAnd driven and small-cap stocks continue to rise, stock indexes continued their run to 2 swtor credits,478 early highs approaching huzhi. Afternoon, as Premier, made it clear that domestic prices adjustment is far from in place, cement, property stocks lead fall triggered a chain reaction, shipbuilding, culture media, Internet and environmental stocks tumbling rapidly between ARATS and SEF, dropped more than 2% crack in huzhi, 5And 2,400 points, 20, of 30th line, as of close of 2391.23 points, down 64.56, 2.63%, turnover of $ 170.7 billion; shenchengzhi 10094.9, fallen 332.35, 3.19%, 156.9 billion dollars in trading volume. Turnover exceeded 300 billion of the two cities, to record highs this year. Than yesterdayZoom in near 40%. "Click for more stock information" "voting" was involved in the original area (click to view) in the original read ... Was involved in the posting area (click to view) click on the log in | Nickname: [original] nickname | User name: password: automatic login log inRegistration how to use the original click set avatar speak | Personal settings | I keep abreast of | My Tweets | Exit civilization online, log in to post user reviews for expressing personal opinion only diablo 3 gold, NetEase agrees not their views or confirm the description. Synchronized to the Tweets published original can be synchronized to Twitter, Login now to experience! After the check, if you have no open microblogging, the system is automatically activated for you. Close immediately released after modifying the alias the original nickname changes, forums nicknames will turn off click Login | Nickname: nicknames | User name: password: automatic login log inBook | Personal settings | I keep abreast of | My Tweets | Exit civilization Internet login post published original synchronized to Twitter can be synchronized to Twitter, login now to experience! After the check, if you have no open microblogging, the system is automatically activated for you. Copy on close immediately publishedCollection replication is successful, press CTRL v to a friend, forum or blog. Browser limitations, copy the link and title to a friend, a forum or blog. Determine the editor-mail hotline: 010-82558752 feedback About NetEase-company-Contact-jobs-customer service related network marketing-legal-site map-NetEase company all rights reserved Others:

