2012年3月29日 星期四

swtor credits - VFD

129765260871093750_11Trade shelling distance optical alleged false statements "Claiming to" take the LED test equipment market share of half the distance optical provoked the anger of the trade. The China business newspaper reporters get in the industry according to a material, far away at various disclosure opto-electronic prospectus seriously inconsistent with the facts. At the same time, exposing personal companies suspected of boasting in the status of industry leaders. Well versed in security studies, ZhejiangJiang Yufeng lijian, senior partner at law firm lawyers after studying the relevant material to judge, if regulators ultimately found material is true, far away, photoelectric information disclosure of suspected irregularities, sponsors fail to diligently committed, without careful verification obligations seriously, are also to blame. Self-proclaimed industry? Remote opto-electronic prospectus disclosure, "according to National Semiconductor Lighting industrial research andIndustry Association (Industrial Union for short) description of the issue, issuer on distance photovoltaic 2008, 2009, 2010 in LED lighting and electro-optic test equipment market ranked first for domestic manufacturers: 2010 output of domestic manufacturers, issuers, market share is about 50%. "As claimed one of the senior people in the industry,Far away, opto-electronic industry Alliance to produce expressed serious doubts about the position description of. Claimed one told reporters, "LED testing equipment industry are LED outside the chain-wide, industry is very small, domestic enterprises has LED testing equipment production capacity, the data as a core marketing secrets, how can this be easily disclosed to third parties? �� ��LED industry chain, Semiconductor Lighting industry, LED chip industry in the upper segment, international research institutions to manufacturers of related data to track and publish industry research report. "Exposing people said to reporters, himself as a member of LED test industry, has never heard of, which published research institutions on detection of LED industry authorityResearch data. Even if there are research data, is subject to the National Bureau of statistics of official departments, such as digital, Industrial Union as a civil organization, data authority is questionable. Journalists call the Industrial Union, verify the LED test industry sources of statistical data. Industry Alliance secretariat staff, related data is the industry association of researchers on the enterprise trackResearch proceeds, but also integrated a number of research results by industry experts. When reporters want to know more about tracking specific steps and procedures, staff of the Secretariat but did not give a clear answer. Industrial Union "official" website "China's semiconductor lighting" according to information published: National Semiconductor lighting engineering research and development and by the domestic semiconductor lighting industry AllianceIndustry key enterprises, universities and research institutions in accordance with the "voluntary, equality, and cooperation" principles founded in October 2004. At present, the Union has come from the Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan regions and 293 member units, such as foreign bodies in China. Industry Association related Constitution, "according to Union as a nonprofit, paid by their activities funded mainly from members of the UnionContributions and sponsorships. Membership dues payment once a year, completed by the end of June each year, specific standards on contributions are: Executive Council members $ 20,000/year; and Council members $ 6,000/year; ordinary membership $ 2000/year. "The concern is, far away, electro-optical, the Industrial Union third executive member, Executive Member of the second member, firstSession members. Independence of the far away, opto-electronic prospectus disclosure of company information, lijian lawyer: "issuer on distance photovoltaic market share and ranking determine important factors has a direct impact on investors, to produce relevant evidence of institutions not only need to have credibility and with the issuer does not have a stake. "In accordance with the administrative rules on information disclosure of listed companiesProvisions of the 11th, "prepared the prospectus the issuer shall conform to the relevant provisions of the China Securities Regulatory Commission. Information for investors to make investment decisions have a significant impact, should be disclosed in the prospectus. "Lijian lawyers told reporters that" Industrial Union received contributions, issued after market share ranking shows, industry alliances and Publisher clearly has a major interestRelationship between issuer prospectus, referenced in the description of Industry Alliance, did not disclose the relationship between the two, and may mislead the investors to make investment judgments under the Securities Act, the initial public offering of shares and listing on the gem of the interim measures for the management of the relevant provisions, issuer on distance of photoelectric information disclosure of suspected violations. "Clues, according to exposing people to journalists, journalists have access to industryAlliance Semiconductor Lighting industry Yearbook swtor credits, published (2010-2011) ("Annals"). Remote opto-electronic prospectus refers to statistical data, and "yearbooks" published a height close to related data. Claimed to be given a press conference "Yearbook" scanned files, in an article entitled the Chinese LED testing equipment industry overview and analysis of recent progress reportReference, remote optical market share in China reached 52%, the number and remote opto-electronic prospectus reflect data anomalies in line, while the analysis report on the LED inspection industry to judge, competitor research, and reflect the content of the prospectus also broadly similar. It is interesting, this column appears as the author of the report "Wan Yongbo ", the author is" Hangzhou distance optical company limited ". Whistle-blowers, said if instructions issued by a Trade Union has made reference to the distance optical staff related articles, is equal to "in your own words, to prove his strength", how can they talk about credibility? A Yearbook publishing told reporters, many Yearbooks published by the reference data is often just a fewAssociation member units of some of the data, and such data usually is also a member of, and there is no authoritative statistics or identification. According to the Yearbook publishing General, research on various industry sections and often published before contracted companies make, even in some cases, is part of the feedback member of "soft" introduction. Offering shows flawed industry status questionedAt the same time, distance optical offering appears in the description of some "low-level mistake" it's amazing. Prospectus disclosure, company Chairman Pan Jiangen "graduated from Zhejiang University optical measuring technology and instrument engineering, master's degree; 1989 School of Zhejiang University engaged in scientific research and teaching". Reporter log on official website of Zhejiang University found that so-called "optical measurement technology andInstrument engineering "does not exist. Reporters immediately call the Department of Zhejiang University, graduate school of electro-optical, people explicitly told reporters that there is no prospectus disclosure related, related professional and accurate since 1982 as "test measuring technology and instrument expert". Opto-electronic information displays the home page of the Department of Zhejiang University, and in 1982 with "test measurement technologyAnd equipment "right to grant master's degrees, in 1986 with a doctoral degree granting rights established in 1986" instrument science and technology "post-doctoral mobile stations. Then the Pan Jiangen, Chairman of the postgraduate degree is made up out of thin air? Said Zhejiang University officer told reporters that "the impression Pan Jiangen in the student should obtain a postgraduate diploma in. Zhejiang University scientific researchTeaching and work experience, are less clear. "If the said qualifications of Pan Jiangen description, likely because the staff's fault omission appears, then disclosed in the prospectus, Pan Jiangen International Commission on illumination (CIE) optical radiation measurement Division and the representative of China (CHINACOUNTRYMEMBER), more seems get it wide of the mark. RememberUser login official CIE website surveys found that CIE optical radiation measurement Division and the representative of China (CHINACOUNTRYMEMBER), Lin Yandong fellow at the China National Institute of metrology, not "remote opto-electronic" boss of Pan Jiangen. Industry Alliance also have information displayed, CIE on July 7, 2008 in ItalyAnnual meeting of the spirits, CIE on "measurement of light and radiation branch" decision, that the official representatives of China to the far away, Pan Jiangen photoelectric information Ltd Hangzhou replace Lin Yandong of the China National Measurement Institute. In accordance with the initial public offering of shares and listing on the gem of the interim measures for the management of the fourth article, "issuers disclose information according to law, you must be true, accurate,Whole, there must be no false record, misleading statements or significant omissions. "Lijian lawyer said distance optical in on these matters is not accurate in the prospectus, full disclosure tera power leveling, for investors, clearly somewhat misleading, remote optical information disclosure of suspected violations. Many low-level errors of the prospectus buy swtor, the sponsor institution at the time of verification-related contentDedication? In accordance with the provisions of the Securities Act, the 11th, "issuers apply for a public offering of shares, sponsors the issuer should be a careful verification of the application documents and information disclosure, steering the issuer, regulate the operation. "Lijian lawyer said remote opto-electronic Prospectus was arrested for violation of information disclosure, sponsor of ping an securities on the relevant matter is not hard to do his duty, does not recognizeImplementation of careful verification obligations, sponsor of violating the Securities Act, the sponsor business regulations for securities listed on the relevant provisions. "Chairman of academic credentials are wrong, so low-level errors should not appear in a completely to be in listed companies to the Securities and Futures Commission to submit relevant material. "Exposing people to reporters, Chairman of both academic and" optical "Word is alsoMentioned already does not exist "on behalf of" titles, both mean the company's industry position. Far away, optical reporters repeatedly call on such sensitive issues, related persons are to "in the news quiet period" refused to reporters. At the same time, journalists trying to to communicate with distant photoelectric sponsors, sponsor inform institutions concerned, sponsor at the Roadshow can'tIn an interview. In addition, exposing people to disclose the far light Pan Jiangen, Chairman of CIE membership, was appointed United States visiting fellow of National Institute of technology, remote optical related Insider participation in international standard-setting, reporter will continue its investigation and verification. Others:

