2012年3月12日 星期一

world of tanks power leveling In accordance with the current education policyMechanism - OSU

129756355818437500_254Community continues to call for continued fermentation process and policy, this year's "two sessions," Eve, Shandong Province Department of education released the programme has explicitly put forward the reform of college entrance examination: for non-Hukou residence equal treatment of candidates and candidates. Education Minister Yuan guiren is under discussion in different places in the college entrance examination policy will be consistent with the Shandong, specific programmes will be in the endFormally introduced before. At this point, the college entrance examination questions in an area of prolonged kidnapping of household registration system, special reporter Xiong Bingqi finally usher in the dawn of the rule of law over the weekend the "two sessions" has just opened, and offsite issues once again become a hot spot for college entrance examination.  Education Minister Yuan guiren said on March 3 that offsite entrance examination reform programmes will be introduced soon, have now entered the final sprint stage. With thisAt the same time, clearly put forward the reform of college entrance examination programme announced in Shandong Province: "allow non-household registration is allowed to participate in the college entrance examination in our province.  "According to the Yuan guiren, off-site programme and the reform of college entrance examination in the Ministry of education in the making of Shandong's policy introduced" unanimously ", and will soon introduce a general file, at the same time actively encouraged the provinces to promote, introduced its own entrance examination scheme. Talking about offsite highThe timetables of study programmes, Yuan guiren says: not for ten months.  Du Yubo, and CPPCC National Committee members, the Ministry of education, the Deputy Minister further said to be introduced before the end of the relevant allow off-site examination timetable. On March 5, the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao emphasized in the Government work report, preliminary solve the problem of suiqian children of peasant-workers in the city to receive compulsory education, introducedReal solution after the compulsory measures for the local school. Problems in college entrance examination in an area forming China's Constitution gives citizens the equal right to education. Offsite college entrance examination, is related to the major education issues of educational equity. As early as in the medium and long term educational reform and development plan (hereinafter referred to as the platform for) during the drafting, the problem caused widespread concern in the community.Early in 2008, the State Council has demanded all over the "localities, public-oriented" principle, properly solve the problem of migrant workers suiqian children receive compulsory education, this suggests that gives children in the floating population inflow to receive compulsory education, Central's policy is clear. But due to the application of the provincial admission, college entrance examination in China according to the system of household registration applied for basic, non-Registered population of suiqian children in an interview after the end of compulsory education's local school issues emerge. If you do not allow them to participate in the college entrance examination in local, then, means that they must be after the compulsory, back seat of residence accepts---even if the local senior high school education allows them to take examination examination, but because of the different courses in high school and college entrance examination paper around (IState-owned 16 provinces and provincial proposition), together with provincial and municipal requirements "Hukou status" double-certificate registration, in the residence where the college entrance examination, will have to domicile place received high school education. This institutional arrangement, which artificially causing the separation of families, some working personnel in the city and had to send their children back home to read, causing a mass of left-behind children, juvenile left behind phenomenon, both toInconvenience of work and life of these families, also affect the healthy growth of children.  Especially for children, in the face of community imposed to them by geographical discrimination is likely to build hatred to the urban and social mood. In particular, in Beijing, the statistics shows that from 2008 to 2009 academic year, total number of graduates in Beijing primary school education 112,268,Beijing registered permanent residence 82,195, foreign residence 30,073; admission 107,494 are junior high school education, Beijing registered permanent residence 82,809, foreign residence 24,685; graduates of junior middle school education 104,702, which Beijing Hukou 92,103, foreign residence 12,599; high school teachingEducation enrollment 129,220 people (high school 68,397, 60,823 secondary vocational education), in which the Beijing Hukou 123,736 men, a foreign residence 5,484 people. According to the data, you can calculate a result: 30,073 non-Hukou in Beijing primary school graduates, read-only 24,685 students in Beijing to continue up to junior high school(The actual figure is less than 24,685, enrollment in junior high school with household registration in the field of primary school students in Beijing part); 12,599 non-residence of junior high school graduates in this city, only up to 5,484 continue reading high school in Beijing.  Causes leading to this result, is non-local students in the city of Beijing to further studies, especially in the college entrance examination. While in Shanghai,Children of compulsory education has more than 400,000 registered population in the field, they soon faced problems in college entrance examination.  If in the college entrance examination questions are resolved, these children will have a greater proportion of their place of origin for education, new left-behind children. In recent years, a number of organizations came forward to call for migrant workers as far as possible, children with you, this is a typical "stood to speakNo pain ", if your children go to school, to study to enjoy the same treatment, how many parents also bear the separation with the children, leave the children alone in the countryside? College entrance examination and in an area "the immigrants for NCEE" issued in July 2010, the platform for specifically mentioned "development of children of migrant workers suiqian obligation to participate in entrance examination of local approach", which reflects the State of this issueA high priority. But because of the lack of a supporting system of support, this issue was not going well. In November of that year, and 9 representatives of foreign parents and 1 volunteer in Beijing in Beijing with more than 10,000 signatures from students ' parents in the field, submitted to the Ministry of education and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission, recommended that temporary measures Beijing, registration allowed to field candidates in Beijing, participating in college entrance examination 2011. At the same time, call forResolve transient student eligibility for college entrance examination of issues in the field. These departments said at the time to receive the parent's of the appeal.  To this day, Beijing offsite entrance policy has not been forthcoming. Immediately after, the Ministry of education announced in December 2010 national reform pilot projects and units, pilot remote areas of the college entrance examination, only three provinces of Shandong, Hunan, Chongqing. Public concern in Beijing,Column of Shanghai and other places not in the pilot. In last year's "two sessions", Education Minister Yuan guiren attended the session of the national people's Congress meeting, he said when interviewed by reporters during the session, currently is in Shanghai, Beijing and study, step by step college entrance examination in an area, but there was no clear timetable, after which 15 academics such as Professor Zhang qianfan submitted to the State Council and the Ministry of educationJoint letter calling for abolition of entrance examination and admission candidates who work in the household limit. It is in this context, some more than 20 parents suiqian their children jointly drafted the programme of suiqian children enter college entrance examination. The programme suggested that it should be "cancel the residence restriction of college entrance examination", no longer restriction of college entrance examination as a household registration, registration eligibility for college entrance examination based on student status, and residence of the parents often standardFound. Constantly called for continued fermentation process and policy in the community, this year's "two sessions," Eve came from Shandong Province announced exciting news---Shandong province's programme has explicitly put forward the reform of college entrance examination: "allow non-domicile candidates in our province participate in the college entrance examination. Starting in 2014, where I in higher middle section had a comprehensive learning experience for non-household registration of candidates could be in place in our province (School high school school location) enrolled in college entrance examination and candidates who enjoy the same level of admission policy in our province. "The programme is undoubtedly the most remote place in Shandong University entrance examination policy.  Education Minister Yuan guiren, policy being discussed offsite in the entrance examination to be taken consistent with the Shandong, Shandong programmes indicates that the Ministry of education approval. However, solving offsite highExam questions, is by no means as simple release household registration. As a pilot teaching reform in Shandong province, and took the lead in introducing offsite entrance examination programme, is that itself is a college entrance examination in Shandong province, is extremely competitive entrance examination "plateau", unless the candidate due to family reasons have to college entrance examination in Shandong, few candidates are willing to take the initiative to Shandong University entrance examination, local governments do not have to worry about "the immigrants for NCEE"Issue. Change in population flows, is resource-intensive, the entrance examination is relatively rich in Beijing, Shanghai and other regions, the problem becomes very difficult.  If you do not make this conditional release household registration limit, almost certainly, will result in a very serious, "the immigrants for NCEE", causing both flow into the city overwhelm, but also those who produce the local household registration and contradictions, conflicts between the household registration staff in the field. ValueMust be unconditionally release offsite college entrance examination, education resource-rich region not only suffer, even competitive college entrance examination, outflow of the population number of provinces and autonomous regions, lift the household were opposed by the local residents, for example, Hubei province. The province already promises to be the country's first release household registration restrictions, implementing remote provinces of the college entrance examination, introduced in July last year in Hubei ProvinceProgramme for the reform of college entrance examination (draft for soliciting opinions), has put forward the "offsite free entry, promoting the fairness of college entrance examination" plan.  Is not expected wot power leveling, subsequently published in official documents, college entrance examination-related articles are deleted in an area. Promote the entrance in an area of four years, academics, college entrance examination questions in an area too much controversy, and made a differentRecommended. Taken together, solving offsite issues there are basically four ways of thinking of college entrance examination. First thought: different places to take exams, candidates may participate in school entrance examination, admitted to back seat of residence. This line of thinking, faced problems in two areas, is due to a number of provinces and municipalities to implement provincial propositions, questions of different in different provinces, different questions of how to take examination? Second, throughout the education quality,Reading in the developed areas of education, admitted to participating in household location, will result in unfair to the household registration of candidates, some provinces and cities in China require household registration, roll two-card entry, designed to combat "the immigrants for NCEE". Provincial propositions and questions of different problems without too much difficulty, technically, can be equivalent to academic achievement, of course, some scholars furtherProposals, unified national examination, offsite generally take the exams. Is really difficult to solve the second problem, is the unified national examinations, college entrance examination topics are the same all over, admitted to take entrance exams, in an area of the province, because of the differences in the quality of education in the province, in fact, real basis for lack of implementation. In fact, the questions between different places in the same provinces to take examination, the Ministry of educationEarlier file, none of the provinces eventually agreed to different places to take exams. Second thought: a unified national examinations, the unified admission standards, which admitted to breaking the provincial plan, the implementation of national plans to take. Do not consider the feasibility of this approach, even to achieve, I am afraid, will not appear the community wants fair and the former, in China's education resourcesImbalance of reality, if the unified national examinations, the unified admission criteria, those with money are entitled to family, developed areas of school children to education and obtained a higher mark.  To understand this, just look at the pre existing around us "optional heat", "young rose little", "small l" school choice hot can understand. Third thought: relaxResidence restrictions, precisely, is the relaxation of entrance examination for registration of residence restrictions. Judging from the current situation, which was approved by the Education Department. Further problems were, college entrance examination in different places of contradictions, residence restrictions relaxed to what extent? If you relax the scale is small (for example, proposed strict residency and age, education and age requirements), benefited from the crowdVery small, with broad and children policy not; if you relax the larger scale, is likely to be the concerns of local residents of household register "the immigrants for NCEE" issue, may make unsustainable policies. The thought of another issue is that the specific reform programmes, local household registration and whether foreign officers have the right to participate in the discussion, decision-making? In accordance with the current education policyMechanism, the programme is often a decision by a Government Department, have little or not at all open to public comment in advance. Closing policies, is likely to reflect the intentions of the executive departments, rather than in the interest group for full game to form we can widely accepted programme. Programmes including Shandong, also questioned the local household registration, that it had not heard,Concerns about three years, will there be variable. Fourth: with the college entrance examination system reform, promoting the college entrance examination in an area. Reform the platform put forward the reform of college entrance examination in China is: "exploring measures for the admission and examination of their relative isolation, the Government macro-management, professional organization, school enrollment independently, student select several times, and gradually form a classification of examinations, comprehensiveAssessment, multiple admission examination admission system. "In accordance with the reform, if we can achieve separation of Audition, College independent enrolment, distributed problem solving with the college entrance examination. However, for autonomous enrollment in colleges and universities, the current widespread concern, is the abolition of college entrance examination, will cause a new unfair, especially in the lack of effective monitoring of the situation could lead to powerRent. Two-way selection to schools and student rights in these four ideas, the fourth kind of thinking more in line with the general direction of the reform of college entrance examination. China's household registration applied for college entrance examination systems exist, the key lies in centralized admission system as planned, because the universities admissions index assigned to the provinces, resulting in different provinces and cities of interest for college entrance examination, source of the uneven allocation of education resources。 Therefore, the college entrance examination problems to resolve in different place, light in the household registration system, the entrance being centered on the issue of the imbalance between resources (it has been suggested that reconfigure around indicators of college entrance examination, if local governments, colleges and universities can take, it does not exist in the local college entrance examination interest against "the immigrants for NCEE" goes) there is no way out, admitted to only break the set, the implementation of autonomous enrollment in colleges and universities,Be able to own. For autonomous enrollment concerns, mainly from misconceptions about autonomous enrollment. First of all world of tanks power leveling, independent recruitment, not to cancel the college entrance examination, but rather to take break set, including United States College independent enrolment, was based on the unified test basis. Implementing autonomous enrollment in colleges and universities in China, college entrance examination is still the basis of the current, needs to be done is high unifiedFeatures by selecting to evaluation of the examination. When hiring and separation world of tanks power leveling, the examination after the socialization of, candidates ' academic results to independently apply for a University, it is no longer within the household registration only, and University at the time of admission, you can put the candidates in your area such as an evaluation factor, thus correcting differences between regions, uneven. United States University independent admission evaluation system, district and familyEvaluation indicators. If you take this approach to autonomous enrollment, can be implemented at the national level entrance examination in an area now.  As long as the autonomous enrollment in colleges and universities in 80 independent recruitment procedures for adjustments, originally provided for autonomous enrollment award students must also participate in the college entrance examination, centralized approaches taken to cancel, college entrance examination in an area can be achieved. Now threeThe joint entrance examination, is the unified national examination papers, local candidates independently are invited to participate.  If candidates achieved a joint entrance examination to apply for colleges and universities, in independent admission, admission ceases after the common entrance examination, centralized admissions, can immediately enable offsite target college entrance examination. After put independent enrolment in the college entrance examination, if the function from now selection changes to evaluation of college entrance examination, school based on highExam results independent recruitment, is the same way. About vocational college, high college enrollment, registration, admissions reform was started, this is entirely possible relaxation of the Hukou restrictions, allowing candidates irrespective of their domicile independent application. In view of the higher vocational and College now face a severe enrollment crisis, taken as a whole in higher vocational and higher proportion accounted for half of all college admission, so thatNot only for high vocational and high minded way, to a large extent, address the challenges of college entrance examination in an area. The other hand, independent recruitment is the essence of the school and the students divergent selection, establishing the market competition mechanism of higher education, said it understood, is to empower students to foot voting rights. Evaluation is a truly independent recruitment, there is only one standard, is whether a student will beHave more than one university admission notice, and then confirm that the University. In the competition, students have the option to also have a real right of supervision, evaluation.  Students select, universities have more attention to fairness, impartiality, or abandoned by the candidates. At present, China's University does not pay attention to personnel training and education and frequent scandals, academic scandals withoutCares, cause lies precisely in the educated do not have the right to choose, without supervision, evaluation of University rights when those rights back to the hands of students, school of logic will be changed. According to independent recruitment in real terms, current autonomous enrollment in colleges and universities in China, is a pseudo-independent recruitment, is not to increase the students ' right to choose on the basis of the so-called pilot, and this succeeded in misleading theViews on the autonomous enrollment.  So, if government departments are able to delegate, to expanding the choices of education, promoting the reform of College independent enrolment, college entrance examination questions will be resolved in an area. When the original height of the monopoly system of college admission plan no longer exists, household registration system for college entrance examination of kidnapping is naturally lost. If the reform can be realNow, with a popular metaphor to describe, as Chinese students to apply United States universities, United States colleges and universities require students to have the Beijing account yet? (The writer is Vice President of the Institute for 21st century education)

