2012年3月23日 星期五

tera power leveling Yangquan coal industry - TAD

129764786823750000_116 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/diablo-3-gold/">diablo 3 gold</a>⊙ Journalist Liang Wei Qu Hongyan 0 edit a share Wednesday "dive", the Shanghai composite index plunged 2.63%, biggest drop since the beginning of this year. Crash caused the large differences between the two major thaw, buying and finance repayments are both jumping sharply increased the amount of financing, amount of financing to buy up to $ 5.94 billion, finance repayments will also increase to $ 5.4 billion, both of data than the rallyNear 60% higher values. Two cities the market embarked on a wave of strong gains since the Spring Festival this year, the Shanghai composite up 300 points in just 2 months, not during a depth correction, some funds have been waiting for involvement opportunities, and Wednesday's crash apparently caused the entry of funds run. Statistical data show that financed purchases amount to $ 5.94 billion on that day,And rebound since the value of approximately $ 330 million tera power leveling, $ 4.89 billion up to February 27. Fell on that day to attract financing to buy funds poured in. But at the same time, two big thaw also appears sensitive to risk, huge amount of reimbursement for early stage financing. Statistics show that on Wednesday financial reimbursement up to $ 5.4 billion, and its rebound on the mean value of-300 millionUp to $ 4.5 billion on February 27. Day plunge raises part of unwinding two major thaw fled the stock market. Overall, the force is greater than the air. Despite the dramatic increase in finance repayments, but the rate of increase in financing to buy larger financing balance continued to record. According to the financing balance of $ 44.7 billion on the day, hit a historical high. Margin Yu LiangjinSlight reduction in amount, on margin allowance amounting to $ 100 million, to $ 110 million in the previous session. Worthy of attention is, Ping on amount of financing to buy up to $ 290 million, highest in the two into the top, while the financial reimbursement up to $ 180 million. Ping an of China finance NET buys amounted to $ 110 million, 0.46% per cent of turnover on the day. Qingdao HaierAmount of financing net purchases immediately after China's ping an, up to $ 100 million, accounted for 20% of the total transaction value date. CITIC Securities net buying of finance amount up to $ 91.16 million, accounted for turnover of the day 4.84%. Nanjing high-tech, xinxing ductile iron pipes and the amount of net buying of Shanghai energy financing is more than 10% per cent of turnover on the day. Two big thaw remained optimistic about resource unit, Western mines, Yangquan coal industry, China Shenhua financing net purchase amount is 20 million Yuan. Futian, two big thaw also bullish on mechanical equipment, automobiles, ships and East China electric net purchase amount is more than $ 10 million in financing. Institutions tend to think, bad reactions to enlarge the market itself. Livelihood security diablo 3 gold, short-term market adjustment not change slowly over the medium term bull market, VictoriaHolding positive views, as the new year financial investment, infrastructure and affordable housing construction starts, improvement in demand is expected to improve gradually in the lower reaches, economy is in a "soft landing" in the process. Under the pessimistic expectations improved, fixed market continues to put on the market valuation, 2012 a-shares are expected to repeat stories of 2009. Livelihood security recommended two investment ideas: Is in a "soft landing", the economy bottomed out in the course of the second quarter, select industry profits will usher in a corner of a cyclical industry, including industries such as automobile, machinery, coal; the second was actively grasp the logistics Conference and topics of nuclear power opportunities. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice。 Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

