2012年3月29日 星期四

diablo 3 power leveling is based on user's mobile phone contact - SLZ

129773162582656250_5Voice tweets "whirring" was awarded $ 20 million investment "Very happy to chat with friends in the industry today whirring, talk about the past, present, and future. "The day before yesterday afternoon, gaopeng Avenue next to an Office on the second floor of the Office building, a young man holding a mobile phone to speak phrase, this was translated into the phone on one application. Young man called Meng Jing buy swtor, is from Sichuan University software engineering "leavers". Founded the company after the acquisition by Alibaba,His work for some time again to kill back to Chengdu, Hangzhou, developed a similar voice tweets "whirring" software, now has 60duowanming users. In Apple's AppStore application social "free jinbang", the "whirr" line after the Tencent QQ, Tencent micro Bo, ranked fifth. Experience legendary chuanda leavers of the companies acquired by Ali was born in late 1978Meng Jing is one of China's earliest exposure to the Internet, "began to read books on programming in high school". In 1997, and his home city of Jingzhou in Hubei province into Sichuan University Department of economics. In 2001 after graduating from University, Meng Jing to enter Chengdu, an IT company, being a programmer. In less than a year later, Meng Jing selected postgraduate examinations, majoring in software engineering. Went to SichuanTwo years after the students, Meng Jing, who was established in high-tech zone, Chengdu, network construction company to help small and medium enterprise architecture information management platform. Due to rapid business development, Meng Jing also missed the reply graduation and become "leavers". One day in July 2006, Meng Jing received a mysterious phone from Alibaba. The other end, the company told Mang Jing, theyTrying to buy out his company, and operated a total of 22 million price. Meng Jing also has several large companies talk takeover, but he refused. "Because the other person just wanted to harvest results, and we hope to see your doing something out of continuity and development. "In September 2006, Meng Jing with a team of more than 20 people went to Hangzhou from Chengdu, with its software team set up Ali,Aliyun fengshengshuiqi now form one of the latter. By the end of 2009, in addition to the two people left outside the business, Mang Jing brought to more than 20 other people will stay in the company. Road kill back to Chengdu and then venture out again "whirring" 2010 Meng Jing returned to Chengdu, at that time, become important figures of the country's animation industry of Chengdu base soon. Would like toChuang Chuang, dream brother, Chengdu, Meng Jing and the establishment of the network technology Corporation, will mainly focus on the games. Later, they turned to mobile voice direction, "wanted to do a direct on the phone to say things. "The end of 2010, dream brothers introduced a voice intercom system in combination with mobile phone address book, between person to person contact in the address book, on the basis of a single line. Who knowsRoad was not two months, Tencent officially launched the micro-, Mang Jing soon realized that the transfer direction. "And these giant in direct competition, our space is very small. "Sina weibo's rapid rise this year and give them a new direction: content tera power leveling, show personality of the interactive community voice and video, sound recording, photograph, upload on the mobile phone. Meng Jing named for its whirring. 2011 October diablo 3 power leveling, dream brothers officially launched whirring, published within half a year, got 60duowanming registered users. Breaking through difficulties with game money users breaking 2 million this year and SINA micro-blog Twitter rings blockbuster has no profit, WHIR also face the same problem. Although development to more than 600,000 customers, but Meng Jing and frankly at this stage is mainly funded by AliAcquire some money and venture capital �C Chengdu local companies, they won more than 20 million Yuan investment. "Whirr and future development, is to combine and mobile games, let people on the mobile Internet in a whirring while playing our games, buy the props. "Mang Jing whirring in development at the same time they haven't given up games, is now available in the Apple AppSTore on the platform for free download. "Going to upgrade next month, adding more video elements, display word count increase, new diary feature, and so on. "Mang Jing in the planning, whirring should exceed 2 million users this year, up to 10 million next year. Whirr: a across Iphone, Android, Symbian mobile phone platform across mobile, China UnicomMobile phone-side Instant Messaging Communications, telecom operators and picture quick sharing tool, is based on user's mobile phone contact, through SMS and mobile phone address book, formed to manage, share, expanding mobile phone and convenient means of communication to form a social network. Others:

