2012年3月9日 星期五

wot power leveling days are very tight. "Shen Xingen told reporters that he never thought - CXK

129742915568125000_379House prices so high, but still fought. Especially the people you want to get married, no House seems more impossible things. Whether buyers will certainly live better, renting people's life is certainly not as good as? Shen Xingen and willow, two white collar of Chongqing, is about the same age wot power leveling, annual income at about $ 50,000. A choice but they buy a house rental, theyWhat is the financial position of? zayang? Buying: monthly "Moon" in the eyes of outsiders, had a nourishing Shen Xingen is definitely a living person. 3 years working in a secondary school, which had just him around $ 4000-5000 per month income. Shen Xingen love and colleagues go k song, love out nothing about people traveling on foot, in his view,Their own income to cope with the hobby is a piece of cake. Last year, Shen Xingen fixed the idea of buying a House. "Want to work a few years, that has its own space, also want to get married in the future. "Shen Xingen idea is really. Then, early last year, Shen Xingen in financial support from their parents, bought a two-bedroom. "Parents to help pay for the down payment, I'm in charge of 2,100 Yuan a monthCredit. "At the same time, Shen Xingen loan of $ 50,000 to buy a car, you need to pay each month for $ 900 month, and nearly $ 1000 fare. However, after buying a House and a car, Shen Xingen suddenly found their lives but not so pleasant. "Now, I also had a House and a car, but each month a fixed mortgage world of tanks power leveling, car loan, car cost is above 4000 yuan, dinner I try to rub back home. Now, I basically did not balance each month, days are very tight. "Shen Xingen told reporters that he never thought, after a House and a car, a lot more nervous than before. Originally bought the car is trying to get out the door since driving is convenient, but buying a car for a year, he only went out once. Shen Xingen most uncomfortable is that after you have a House and a carAnd girlfriend but sorrowful, "two years ago also have saved $ 30,000 to buy a car all out. Recently this year without a penny saved. Girlfriend is worried about his future life. "Comments on the Division of financial management: Shen Xingen's situation, the most important thing is to save money. From an existing situation, Shen Xingen fixed expenses are mainly divided into three blocks, home loans, car loans, and the cost of keeping a car.Due to have been paid by the parents of a down payment of the House, parents pay not very appropriate, so lets parents borrow money to finish all car loan. Save $ 900, Shen Xingen $ 500 which can be used to fund investment, invest in an index fund, while protected from inflation, prepared for a future marriage. The remaining $ 400 for weekdays to improve the daily life of the。 From now on, with career development, income will be more and more, after the family income range can also be included in the family of his wife, you can increase the investment and expenditure of the Fund, and gradually improve living conditions. Renting: financial products to earn rent Liu Yang in the eyes of friends is a jerk because he is a firm of rental. Liu Yang wrote a law firm patent caseAnd get $ 4,700 per month. 5 years he was not working, now the hands of savings of over $ 100,000. Now that you have $ 100 wot power leveling,000, had enough money to pay for a small down payment, friends persuaded him to rush to buy, but Liu Yang was not agreed. Say they are not willing to buy a House, only reason for rental, Liu Yang gave reporters a accounts. "I rented this House, 60 square meters, total price is 480,000 landlords were bought. My $ 1400 a month in rent, rent was $ 16,800 a year, so landlords for rent this House return only 3.5%. I have not money to account for his decoration, including estimating the rate of return is only about 3%. "Liu Yang thinks, 3% returns now,Is a bit low. "I just buy a financial product, can be 4% even more in return, why don't I take money to buy financial products, and earn money to pay the rent, there is balance. "Liu Yang said, because not only does renting their life worse instead of better. "I'm around a lot of House slave, and clothing for the House. I rent a House, not worse than them, flowersAlso less. They paid the down payment, I took down the investment, make more money. "As Liu Yang of fixed payments of only $ 1400 per month mortgage, along with water and electricity, broadband, telephone charges, the cost of living, Liu Yang balance of more than $ 2000 per month. The 2000 Yuan, Liu Yanghui took $ 1000 fund investment, leaving $ 1000 mobility,Vote to after a certain amount, he will get out to buy financial products. However, Liu Yang also has its own troubles. "No House, I felt fine, but girlfriend is always uncomfortable in his heart, has been reluctant to agree to get married. At this stage, however, I still don't want to buy a House, that their quality of life worse. "Comments on the Division of financial management: Liu Yang of financial management concepts well, know how to controlThe cash flow payments, rental concept is not a bad thing. But Liu Yang and did not take into account the cost of rentals, has not seen the appreciation of housing may, used to calculate the purchase price of the House. However, Liu Yang is currently considering is right, he is still in the rising stage of life, you can try to save more money, have the capacity to support the purchase, then buying a house plan.

