2012年3月8日 星期四

warhammer gold starring Wu Zhen-Yu elected the most crazy cast of people. Francis Ng said - YJU

129746478632443750_41The crazy stupid thief premiere of Wu Zhen-Yu: a money-for-not to a sense of achievement Francis Ng (micro-blogging) new film premiere. Guangzhou daily Wu Zhen-Yu and Lee, Lam Suet, and Jin, such as Peng Bo and Wang Taili films starring the crazy stupid thief premiere held in Beijing a few days ago. Peng Bo of disguise comedy appearance in the scene up fatter version of Swan Lake dance, laugh sprayed the audience. Landing national party announced that the movie will be on March 1Cinema. Opening scene, starring Wu Zhen-Yu elected the most crazy cast of people. Francis Ng said, in fact my favorite type of movie is a comedy, but comedy is the hardest shot, "because you think it funny, the audience may not feel funny". This darling of the crazy stupid thief eq2 plat, Wu Zhen-Yu not only give their craziest performances since congying age of conan gold, holistic intervention filmBehind the creation, planning, design, modeling, from the selected point to the script and then to the clip, even directing the promotional song MV, hands-on. Francis Ng admits they haven't enjoyed the creation of the State, but also quite tired, actor a fee but who is also the number of vocational schools warhammer gold, however, sense of accomplishment is a money-for-not to.

