2012年3月12日 星期一

wot power leveling Tian Hongxiang and Li Rongxuan were numerous quarrels. Subsequently - YQX

129756477775781250_51Text/spring-July 25, 2011, Lake square, a luxury real estate in Nanchang city massacre occurred, two little girl grieved cries broke the peace of the community, two of the little girl's mother was killed by the people, they are a 9 year old, another is only 3 years old. As the cases detected, this truth has emerged-the crime of homicide suspectWang Xiatong was a graduate student, she was the nanny of the victim's employment, then evolved into men and the employers of "report". As the "small three", she does not use this name changing back to a happy life world of tanks power leveling, but to have a relationship in the bloody end ofA poor farm family. Wang Xiatong that year was less than 5 years old, her parents divorced wot power leveling, young Wang Xiatong can only live with the mother. Since mother was reconstituted families, and gave birth to a younger brother, stepfather in their often discriminatory, pain in her mind, studied in universities to change their destiny. In September 2006, she got into Jiangxi University, degree in finance.Of childhood suffering, economic hardship, causing Wang Xiatong strong inferiority complex. She rarely participate in school activities, quiet all day. In June 2010, close to graduation, due to expectations can be found in the provincial capital of Nanchang a better unit directly to stay, Wang Xiatong resume everywhere. However, two months later, all her cover letter have sunk below. Seeing studentsFind work, she eventually had to lower the standard, after much frustration when selected, in a labor job stopped before: "some owners hiring a tutor of a college student and does the housework, $ 2000 a month, eat to live. "I graduated from College have to do nanny, she has a sense of sadness in his heart. But, he now is the most pressing needA work, to settle down. After Wang Xiatong hesitated for a moment, finally calling the employer's phone. Wang Xiatong come to Nanchang, a coffee shop, and soon, a black "Honda" car stop in front of the coffee Hall, a man who grace walked out from the car, then took out a business card. Wang Xiatong embarrassed look down and see, the card says, "Nam CheongA building materials company manager Li Rongxuan ". Li Rongxuan was born in Nanchang County, 38 years old an ordinary peasant family. Due to the poor family, after he graduated from high school and neighboring village of Tian Hongxiang married. After the wife the next daughter, he and several students to the South "the gold rush", later turned to invest in the stock market, making a huge funds under. In 2007, Li RongxuanNanchang city, home to do the building materials business, and had a daughter. Now, he doesn't have much time for career counselling daughter and wife need to take care of the little girl, and how there is no culture, so need to recruit a college student tutors and home. Li Rongxuan to Wang Xiatong, hired her, and according to her professional future had the opportunity to recommend to her bank. The next day, LeeRong Xuan Tian Hongxiang Wang Xiatong referred back to their home to his wife and eldest daughter Li Guxue. Li Rongxuan sent Wang Xiatong $ 2000 each month not only wages but also gives her $ 500 NT, Wang Xiatong shows concern in daily life. Shopping storm in order not to let employers down, Wang Xiatong trying to work every day, in addition to laundry and cooking, busy Li GuxueTutorial lessons. Of these, Li Rongxuan are seen in the eyes, his appreciation of this beautiful and hard working college students are. One day in September 2010, after work Wang Xiatong Li Rongxuan invited to play tennis. Wang Xiatong readily agreed. Due to the lack of movement, Wang Xiatong hit ball, tired and breathless. At this point, careful Li Rongxuan found Wang Xiatong shoes was undone, heGallantly ran over, squatted down and helped her to tie your shoes. From then on, Li Rongxuan Wang Xiatong also promoted a level of care, for her a lot of attention not only in the workplace, and life is also concerned with the utmost, almost every day she attended the banquet, returned her to buy brand-name clothing. Initially, Wang Xiatong feel uncomfortable denial. However, Li Rongxuan make no more ADO to put things into her arms. SlowSlowly, Wang Xiatong feel tacitly, Frank accepts. One day in November 2010, Li Rongxuan returned to the House, see Wang Xiatong is secretly cry before the table. When pressed by Li Rongxuan, said her grandfather suddenly had a brain haemorrhage, now in the hospital, in urgent need of medical expenses. Li Rongxuan heard this, he immediately accompanied Wang Xiatong back to her hometown, came to theHospital, paid for the surgery. This life-saving money, Wang Xiatong grandfather's condition was brought under control. Wang Xiatong with mother to thank Li Rongxuan. Li Rongxuan graciously said, "now what came to me directly, then I'm your older brother! "Intimate put lung, so that mother and daughter owe much to. In December 2010, Li Rongxuan Wang Xiatong said: "I promisedYou have to take care of you wot power leveling, I don't want you to work so hard, the nanny lives don't have to do, I'll give you rent an apartment, I hope to see you come home from work. Will you? "Wang Xiatong looked at the man in front, full touch, she felt Li Rongxuan is a man who will love her forever, he promised him. Li Rongxuan in the urban area to the Wang Xiatong rented a House, they began toLiving life. Heart with joy Wang Xiatong began to feel comfortable to enjoy the advantages of Li Rongxuan. Since Wang Xiatong after the resignation of Tian Hongxiang with a woman's intuition, vaguely feel a bit uneasy. Until February 2011, one night, Tian Hongxiang after a mall entrance, accidentally saw my husband really was gentle with Wang Xiatong the jewelry counter pickSelect necklace. Tian Hongxiang can't go on anymore, she rushed up, take the necklace. Made a couple shopping centre. Wang Xiatong felt ashamed, managed to slip away. Since the Mall after the incident occurred, Tian Hongxiang and Li Rongxuan were numerous quarrels. Subsequently, Tian Hongxiang to resign yourself to the reality, because she knows no control over her husband, the husband is not with her divorce。 However, she could feel cheap Wang Xiatong. Killing wife on March 18, 2011, called his sister Tian Hong Tian Hongxiang, two track Wang Xiatong came to her live in the community. Tian Hongxiang washed clothes in the past seized Wang Xiatong, insults her. Tian Hongmei also came to help, seized Wang Xiatong hair. Wang Xiatong unkempt, a silent, a shoe flyFalls to the next to. Tian Hongxiang play says "hastened to give me a written guarantee, let me see you again at a later time, see a play! "Wang Xiatong is pressed in a car began to write bonds on the rear window glass. She wrote "to ensure the future, do not contact with Li Rongxuan" and signed his name. Be humbled by Wang Xiatong Tian Hongxiang Li Rongxuan tearful complaints of evilLine. To compensate for her, Li Rongxuan Wang Xiatong add $ 2000 per month. From then on, Li Rongxuan started without his wife to continue and Wang Xiatong. Since then, Wang Xiatong often marry demands on Li Rongxuan. However, she did not know, Li Rongxuan was a really big headache by her step by step press, he has begun to weary Wang Xiatong practices. To get rid of Wang Xiatong endlessNoisy, beginning in May 2011, Li Rongxuan always excuse too much work not to meet her. See Li Rongxuan does not own, Wang Xiatong found Li Rongxuan companies, only to be driven outStubborn belief that Li Rongxuan is in love with her, the culprit is the wife of Li Rongxuan we all. Thought here, Wang Xiatong made a terrible decision – to bring the women pay the price! July 25, 2011, Wang Xiatong carry fruit knife came to Tian Hongxiang Lake square in Nanchang district of residence. See Tian Hongxiang Wang Xiatong,Two people up, two of the little girl was on the ground as they cried. In the fight, had already lost their reason of Wang Xiatong like an angry lion, she carried a folding fruit knife killed Tian Hongxiang neck knife, cut Tian Hongxiang total veins of the neck. Soon, Tian Hongxiang stopped breathing after hemorrhagic shock. Wang XiaLeung is apathy, desperately grabbed the knife, cut on his wrist twice, and then called the police say they killed a manAfter review, the procuratorial organs, on suspicion of murder Wang Xiatong are prosecuted, waiting for her is punishable by law. Bianhou due to the affair caused by criminal acts, not only changed the fate of one flower has good prospects of University students, or let an innocent mother dying, two children lost their mother. "God who perish, let him crazy"。 Foster a correct Outlook on love and a positive Outlook on life, cultivate law-abiding consciousness, is the only way to avoid the madness of man. I wish more deformed people a lesson in love. (Courtesy of the biweekly magazine part of January 2012 month issue of law and life)

