2012年3月12日 星期一

world of tanks power leveling he told the rule of law press conference over the weekend - AGW

129756477900000000_297Dense stand of the leaders of the central authorities, as well as related signs that 2012 of rural collective land expropriation Compensation Ordinance, it isLeather. Land contract management right, ' right, collective property rights is law giving farmers the right to income distribution, no one can violate. Introduction of rural collective land expropriation compensation regulations are formulated. "On March 5, the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao's Government report referred to this sentence, tone increase, delegates applauded warmly under. Relevant leaders of the Central denseStance, as well as related signs that 2012 of rural collective land expropriation Compensation Ordinance, it is "the firm" only a few people. This fact can be expected, the legal community and the community of practice is very exciting, has also raised this year "two sessions," deputies and members of concern and discussion. It can be said that this Ordinance is still in the making, has been affecting millions of Chinese people's hearts.One Bill, why this affects people's minds? Develop a part of how we bill, to hosting so many hoped for? Central dense stand members expressed concern about the introduction of rural collective land expropriation compensation regulations are formulated, is one of the 2012 reform priorities of the Central Government. As early as the matter put on the agenda of Central 1th, was released on February 2. Then February 15th, Wen Jiabao chaired the Executive meeting of the State Council, clear introduction of rural collective land expropriation Compensation Ordinance will be developed as one of their top priorities for reform this year. Coincidence is that the same day, the first full-time Deputy Inspector of the national land Gan Zangchun transferred to Deputy Director of the State Council Legislative Affairs Office. Analysis of observers believe that because Gan Zangchun term in national land resources departments and is responsible for landPolicies and regulations work, if he came in charge is responsible for the drafting of the rural collective land expropriation Compensation Ordinance, is also logical. On March 5, the State Council Premier Wen Jiabao emphasized in the Government work report, introduction of rural collective land expropriation Compensation Ordinance, is one of the main tasks of the 2012. Dense stand of the leaders of the central authorities, as well as related signs, 2012 by the introduction of rural collective land expropriation Compensation Ordinance, is imperative. "On the rural collective land, the greatest problem is forcing farmers ' upstairs, violation of their rights and of the social contradiction. Farmers keep a Golden Bowl, had to ask for. "National CPPCC member and Director of the political economy Research Center, Tsinghua University, CAI jiming when referring to the farmers" upstairs "," the landless"Reality is quite helpless. Re-elected member of the third of his, because the annual "two sessions" will land reform, and called by the media "members of the land". In his the 10 proposals to be submitted this year, 6 issues involving land and urbanization, 4 of which have been directed at reforming the land system. Introduction of CAI jiming world of tanks power leveling, China generally requisitioned land income distribution pattern is,Government accounting for 20% per cent, accounted for 40% per cent, 25% per cent of village-level organizations, farmers only 5% per cent. "Farmers have lost their land, either did not receive job placement, there is no social security, and lead the masses to continuously appearing and mass incidents occur, risks the seeds of social stability. "Analysis of CAI jiming. Land expropriation: most to farmersThreat of land is currently the greatest threat to farmers ' land rights. Study shows from the Chinese Academy of social sciences, counting from 2003, Chinese farmers who at present amounts to more than 40 million people wot power leveling, is one of the most important reasons of land expropriation. At the same time, with the development of urbanization, has increased the number of land expropriation, 2005 collection4.454 million acres, 2010 increased to 6.889 million acres world of tanks power leveling, an average annual increase of more than 9%. For 1.8 billion acres of cultivated land red line more and more arduous tasks. In reality, facing the dilemma of land supply, 1.8 billion acres of red line on the one hand to keep; on the other hand, lack of land for urban development. Urbanization in some places to land, industrial land,Conflicts between Government and farmers ' interests is even more intense. At present, the collective land conflicts and disputes have caused very serious. According to the State Bureau for letters and calls, the mass lodging case 60% land-related, 40% per cent of total social and appealing, with land disputes in the land compensation disputes and 84.7% each year because of disputes caused by requisition in the 4 million pieces leftRight. Beijing lawyer Wang Cailiang was initiated by the law firms specializing in requisition of legal services, he told the rule of law press conference over the weekend, collective land requisition of cases has risen rapidly in recent years, currently account for the law firms take on cases of requisition of 60%. Vice Dean, Peking University School of law professor Wang Xi zinc in accepting the rule of law over the weekend said in a press interview, he presided over the North of public participationRelated letters received by the Centre for research and support, 70% per cent of them are of collective land expropriation cases. "These cases focused on two main areas, one is charged, illegal collection of outstanding; collective compensation standard of land and also relatively low, farmers reflects the very strong. "Wang Xi zinc said. Under the present system of land use controls, agricultural landExtremely low prices and land prices are high, thus forming the price of agricultural land and land for construction of "dual system". According to a survey by the University of the Chinese people, since the beginning of 1999, 64.7% of land-lost farmers get one-time compensation, average amount of 18,739 Yuan per MU, and the average price per acre of land requisition land $ 778,000, is chargedMore than 40 times.

