2012年3月8日 星期四

rift platinum property insurance - LRY

129748521372031250_194Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog hexun.com insurance > body print RSSFont size-February 27, 2012 from: Jinghua times author: Niu Yinghui report from (reporter Niu Yinghui) to hit "good start" market, life insurance, property insurance is in full force. Yesterday, reporters learned from the Sun insurance, the company has established a rich and complete product system,Its property and casualty insurance products including: corporate property insurance rift platinum, motor vehicle insurance, property insurance, construction insurance, cargo insurance age of conan gold, liability insurance and special risk insurance, credit insurance, guarantee of diversity to meet different customer needs. It is understood that the property insurance is a huge business system, it consists of several hundreds of specific risks and insurance form.Generally can be broadly divided into agricultural insurance eq2 platinum, property insurance, liability insurance and credit insurance. Sunshine insurance said, cover a wide range of property and casualty insurance business, and each of us is one of the most closely related to insurance and property insurance. It is to underwrite insurance customer property or material risk of loss to all insurance business of collectively,Broken down into insurance, fire insurance, construction insurance, means of transport, and can be further classified.

