2012年3月4日 星期日

rift plat volume 239 of the residential block - LSB

129742915533906250_321The most troublesome: focus on urban land stream rate up to 44% it was reported in January 2012, major cities have sharply reduced the amount of land supply and demand, 13 major cities live stream rate climbing to 44%, close to the highest level for the year 2011. Stream live block located in Guangzhou, Tianjin, Wuhan and Changsha and Beijing although the stream does not appear, but closeBlocks are the upset sale. Housing enterprises financial stress, take care is one of the main reasons for the sluggish land market. Centaline monitoring data show that January national land market turnover of 129 cities only 921 per cent by 50%, volume 239 of the residential block, cut per cent from 57%. The most powerful: banks need to meet for the first time home buyerLoan demand according to the report of the Tribunal, the Central Bank recently requested support for common commercial housing construction, met for the first time home buyer home loan needs. It was released again after the Ministry of housing to meet the first mortgage demand signals. Prior to this, due to the 2011 financial tensions and other reasons, section first suite of Bank loan interest rates do the benchmark interest rate of 1.1 times or 1.05 times times. But starting from this year,Line of credit easing, and sold the property market remains weak, many banks began to relax the first suite rates, return to base even a little discount. However, industry experts say that, now looks forward to the first suite on the benchmark interest rates continue to relax is unlikely, if intermediaries make 85 percent discount should be alert to the risks that cannot be cashed. Most attention to preventing price fluctuations "Prices reasonable return, so as to avoid market fluctuations in real estate "which was recently held in Beijing Conference of housing and urban-rural construction in system of regulation set the tone for the property market this year. To this end, the meeting request in strengthen the construction of subsidized housing allocation, while adhering to the restriction and differentiated taxation tor credits, credit policy, revitalize the stock market, housing rents, meets home and improveDemand. The most eye-catching: subsidies eventually suspended, according to reports of the purchase of Wuhu, Wuhu city, Anhui Province in recent days the Government publish real estate deal, which deed tax concessions imposed on individual purchase of owner-occupied housing, and the purchase of new housing or even financial sector 50-150 yuan per square meter of housing subsidies, for foreigners buying, Wuhu to the move into account, such as preferential policies。 In the context of market regulation, a three-city home buyer stimulus soon led to a national concern rift plat, untie and is seen as a local Government's intention to control it worked "" signal. This latest Wuhu Government said new housing policy is not "rescue", housing subsidies are available only for purchase in Wuhu city during the first general merchandise housing units, instead of saying how much room willGranting of subsidies. The latest news that tera gold, because of the related implementing rules are working on perfecting, to maintain a more stable and healthy development of real estate market, property market of Wuhu new deal eventually is suspended.

