2012年3月7日 星期三

star wars the gold republic credits amount of blood when your team-mate discontent - CFX

129731937104065000_78CAI Wenji was a versatile beauty woman, musical talent, good comfort, so that one complete darling daughter has gone through all kinds of misfortune and ups and downs in life. At the age of 16, her Dong Wei married, her husband Wei Zhongdao young and beautiful, talented, both husband and wife love tor credits, unfortunately, the good times do not last long, and less than a year, Wei Zhongdao died of massive hemoptysis. The secondMarriage she was forced to marry the southern Xiongnu Zuo Xianwang, suffered a foreign it displaced the bitter. Sunset subtilis, solitary smoke a goose age of conan gold, she displaced for a piece of the half of the Reed pipe 18, that song, there she lives the bitterness of the subway, sing the best of the world's bleak. CAI Wenji "comfort": when HP regeneration effects, you can choose to transfer the effect to one of the other players。  (Except for the dying HP regeneration). "Pain": while in his round, if it is full of blood, blood lost 1; judgment can then select launch skills star wars the gold republic credits, if the judgment is red, the reply 1 blood, and may choose to continue ruling.  Did not end until a full blood or judgment to the black judge. Then under the small of writing a simple comment: 1, "" comfort "are essentiallyPlus a team-mate of blood, provided that their liquor, or HP regeneration effect. Because of "pain", liquor is dispensable for CAI Wenji, amount of blood when your team-mate discontent, when you have excess of liquor, you can launch a "comfort" skills as the teammates combined with blood. When someone uses "sour plum boiled wine" Shi, launching the "comfort" one can be after two HP regeneration,"Plum" point when HP regeneration, CAI Wenji "comfort" onto the HP regeneration.  Read wandering pains, she can also use the song save people in distress. 2, the "pain" is combined with blood, launching the skills so that their long-term higher probability of full blood, this ability often make CAI Wenji became undead little strong. Desert sand, rush issued the skySquash weeds can sharpen fanghua, CAI Wenji was acquired indomitable faith and perseverance.

