2012年3月4日 星期日

aoc gold the bulls easily sung and shallower - SKB

129742939263437500_153Drop expected cash market did not appear long drought on rain-rose, but opened lower, ultimately, virtually flat closed, slightly rising 6.42, return to the starting point. On the disc surface, electronic information, the glass industry, gain near the top of the cement industry and real estate, furniture industry, brewery, before the construction of water conservancy and water supply decreases. The close results estimates will not be too peopleSurprise, expect major positive after the advance is consistent habit of the a shares, shareholders have long been accustomed. But what's surprising is, always no panic during afternoon market all the way down, did not see widespread short, my interpretation of this is that shareholders learn smarter, not high high, main chip does not transfer all, and only war and back, and also work hardKeep new year quotation, so, a few days later you have to continue to shock, but investors don't fooled! My comment on this morning and afternoon are the advance has prompted low-risk assessment. Stimulated by major positive kind of disc before, but also to maintain a calm. Viewed from the side, falling at one point to stimulate financial real estate rose chonggao has led the market for a wave, but subsequent toMoney is obviously inadequate, leading to market all the way down. Demonstrate the current market already has an acrophobia, further long need new energy savings, but once the follow-up to be followed up in a timely manner, the bulls easily sung and shallower, so as to adjust. In the current location, investors need to understand two things: first, good reduction did not allow the market out of the tangle aion kinah, high turbulence will also continue toGo on. From the wedge-shaped, at present the market is still in the form runs, but allows fluctuations of more and more narrow in scope, market soon to a showdown. On this point, investors want to prepare. Second, today is an important point in time, to Shanghai in April 2011 3,067 point symmetry at the top center, and the end of July 2010 2,319 part 42 week symmetry; index November 2010 top 3,186 point symmetry Centre, with 3,478 symmetric point 65 weeks at the top in August 2009. Critical time window, beware of the short head formation. As if two points are pessimistic, but it is for a short term. I had previously talked about future strategic and tactical issues, the so-called strategy, is a bargain in the middle line longAnd this is the problem; the so-called tactical, is to use resources more efficiently, avoiding short-term adjustment, agents of forever strong stocks in the market, which are operational issues. ����Therefore aoc gold, grasp the trends, homeopathy is particularly important tor credits, the market trend has made it very clear, units to specific analysis of trends. Online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content,Not that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk.

