2012年3月7日 星期三

the secret world gold Prime Minister - ROM

129742939240625000_394United States, the New York Times wrote a few days ago, Greece and financial officials Sunday, Prime Minister (February 19) to fly to Brussels to attend Monday (February 20) will hold decisive talks, eurozone finance ministers are expected to adopt this a Greece second bailout scheme. Greece said Greece Prime Minister Papademos (LucasD.PApademos) and Finance Minister weinizeluosi (EvangelosVenizelos), go to Brussels, partly due to the Prime Minister at the meeting, I want to make a final decision, Papademos is likely and the Institute of international finance (InstituteofInternationalFinance) on behalf ofSurface. EU diplomats and economists think the scheme is difficult to solve Greece economic problems, it may take 10 years or longer to complete, but EU officials hope that the agreement reached on Monday will help Greece debt restructuring, make it more stable financial operation the secret world gold, and Greece remain in the euro zone. Euro-zone financial officials and the European Central Bank (EuropeanCentralBank) officials held a conference call Sunday, to discuss the 130 billion-euro aid programme, including the International Monetary Fund (InternationalMonetaryFund,IMF) the concern of Greece debt sustainability analyses key elements. Although skeptical of the State still questioned Greece reduce debtDetermination of the burden, including EUR 3.3 billion of spending and tax cuts promised follow-up, but EU officials have also said, through the Protocol's motivation is to accumulate. Austria's Finance Minister MariaFekter said on Sunday, Finance Ministers of the eurozone is expected to be adopted at the meeting on Monday Greece rescue package. In a radio interview, he revealed that "although Greece second round of bailout programme final detailsHave yet to be finalised, but euro-zone Finance Ministers meeting to be held on Monday was expected to pass the programme. "Asked Monday whether to reach Greece rescue case conclusion, and Greece will continue to remain in the euro zone. Fekter replied, "now, things seem to be so completely development. I do not think that the euro has a majority of people will choose not to way to go rift plat, does not allow bail within the meaningClearance and making Greece out of the eurozone. Because the other road was extremely difficult, to spend big. "Under the new aid agreement, Greece will be about 100 billion euros of debt writedowns will be borne by the holder of the private sector. Mostly composed of banks and insurance companies of Greece debt holders will withstand the loss of actual 70% by the face value of debt. Analysts point out that tera power leveling, in accordance with the presentSituation assessment, if it is to achieve the 2020 goal of debt/GDP to 120%, increasing private sector debt writedowns might need to 70%~80%, realization of 1000~1120 billion euros of debt relief. Greece says bond extension is expected to be in March 8, after 3rd complete. This means that on March 20 to pay 14.5 billion euro debt will be restructured to avoid Greece defaults. Greece � 130 billion in aid of the majority will be used for debt swaps and to ensure that Greece stability of the banking system. There are around 22 billion euros in the first quarter of 2012 debt maturities, since others have varying degrees of Red reduction effect than expected, Greece Government requires involvement of the private sector-total(PSI) to reduce the burden on maturing debt. Analysts believe that private owners and only Greece non-holders of financial participation still could not save Greece. Taking into account the current Greece debt of up to 20% per cent economic growth, interest rates and the rate of 15% per cent of fiscal revenue expenditure, in 2020 to achieve debt/GDP, it fell back to 120%Target nearly impossible. www. FX168.com

