2012年4月2日 星期一

swtor credits investments for a period of 42 days - EKD

129770904394843750_115⊙ Reporter Jennifer Jin maximalist banking products in the financial market, the "Star" of the light is Dim. On the market in the near future, past attractive high yield bank financial products has been hard to find me. Analysis of market participants, because of the slowdown in the inflation situation, coupled with the decline in interest rates in the money market, has resulted in short-term bank financing products benefit reduction。  Once this trend continue in the future, or part of a longer period of financial products will also be weighed. Yields continued to decline compared to the earlier and banks marked a downward trend in yields of financial products. This reporter has learned, bank financial markets before and after the Spring Festival, many bank financing products keep the annualised yields of more than 5%. Issued by China Merchants Bank at the beginning of a"Item into gold, financial planning, No. 714", for example, the investment period of 49 days, yield to 5.5%. At the end of February this year, the Bank issued a "customer specific financial products", investments for a period of 42 days, expected yield dropped to 4.9%. Bank industry sources told a press conference, banks 3-month investment horizon of financing products issued,Its annualized expected yield about 4.5-4.8%, fewer years of product yields more than 5%. Puyi wealth statistics show that from this year's monthly data, in February this year 45 commercial banks a total of 724 denominated bond products, average yield of 4.86% tera gold, down 0.24% last month. Period,1 month following its products is expected to decline in yields of the bonds 0.45%, from 1 month to 3 months period products is expected to decline in yields of the bonds of RMB 0.24%, 3 month to 6-month product decreased by 0.27%, 6 months to 1 year product 0.2%.  By type of financial product term yields decline is seen. Not only that, but shortFinancial product yields have fallen even more evident. Puyi wealth statistics show that in January of this year, Bank investment horizon to be issued within 1 month average yield of 4.4%, February the average yield has dropped to 3.95%, down 0.45% last month. Since the beginning of March, this trend is still continuing. Market share of the most1-3 month period of financial products, for example, according to Puyi's wealth of statistics, the expected rate of return of such product from the beginning of March to the present, has always been maintained at around 4.85%. "Recently banks have sufficient funds, loan demand, led to the circulation of products to reduce yields also declined.  "An analysis of joint-stock banking division. Medium and long termProduct or a "drag on" for the decline in yields on bank financing products now signs, analysts said, it may be a start. Ye Linfeng Puyi wealth researchers pointed out that currently includes short-term pledge of SHIBOR as well as interbank repo rate, money market interest rates remained low after the central banks cut deposit reserve ratio, liquidity in the market gradually easing, Many banks have expressed a demand to short-term repurchase and Central, this makes the repo rate also down signs. "The March 15 issue of bid in a 91-day repurchase rate had dropped to 3.16% of before, this is a buy-back the bid since August 18 buy swtor, 2011 the period interest rate cut for the first time, is also a concern of investorsSignal. "CITIC Securities recently issued a report also pointed out that, after entering March, significantly easing of liquidity in the financial system, 7-day repurchase rate had dropped to less than 3% level, this is the first time since mid-May. The report also said the interest rate product yield since the January inflation data exceeded expectations and funding round of increases surface tension,Although the easing of liquidity, lower-than-expected February inflation, yields on long end but has not markedly downward. In terms of the impact on the banking market, said Ye Linfeng; "short-term money market rates downward trend has become a foregone conclusion, coupled with expectations of further reserve to lower rates by the Central Bank is always present, this will make banks under 3 monthsYields on short-term financial products may result in continued negative effects. In addition, future 1-year Central ticket issued downward on the basis of the interest rate might be 3.49%, this could increase the market expectations for future interest rate cuts, once this implementation and continuation swtor credits, may make some long term yields are down. ” Others:

