2012年4月5日 星期四

tera power leveling just need groups into the stock market. - SZX

129777332194531250_72First mortgage interest rates gradually release the directed easing of signals. Beijing banks to relax the other day first mortgage rates news, this reporter recently interviewed found that Bank of Beijing first mortgage rates have been relaxed to a minimum of 85 percent tera gold, but has not yet entered the implementation phase. Selling real estate of a number of projects have been making 85 percent-95 percent differentPreferential criteria. 85 percent discount rate has not been implemented "has just issued a notice last week, lowest first mortgage rates to 85 percent, but on education, work, income of the homebuyers to grading, I now can not guarantee loans." Bank of China Beijing Branch a staff responsible for personal loan told reporters. The personSaid tera gold, because it is just placing your message, there is no real enforcement of cases, universal implementation is still the benchmark interest rate. From last February, in the second set after a mortgage rates generally increased to 1.1 times times, Beijing's largest banks was also canceled on first mortgage interest rate concessions, and start the implementation of benchmark interest rate floating 10% or higher lending standards. After the Spring Festival this year, the firstSuite rates from 1.1 times recovery to a benchmark interest rate. Agricultural Bank of China Beijing Branch said, currently the Bank's implementation of the benchmark interest rate for housing loans to individuals, qualification good personal minimum executable 95 percent, "threshold but tend to be high, on assessment of work, earnings are, generally meet the criteria is less. "The told reporters,Actually reported that some banks relaxing before to 85 percent, but which was not clear. "The State does not encourage development loans, loans for housing loans to individuals, especially the first suite, is still very open, but the mortgage loan amount is not much since the second half of last year.����"Industrial and commercial bank of China Head Office, currently imposed on all buyers are benchmark interest rates. Vary depending on the discSo banks have not yet fully implemented the latest prime rate, but some selling real estate has hit 85 percent discount information. Sales Office staff in Tongzhou of China Eastern rose told reporters, the benchmark interest rate for real estate are still implemented, qualification good person minimum to reach 95 percent of the purchase. Also located in Tongzhou bbmg Masons spent the sales personnel told reporters onlyIf the first mortgage, can handle a minimum 85 percent discount rate.����In addition, iron City Sales Office also told reporters that the first suite for as long as the buyer meets the normal conditions, you can enjoy 85 percent to 90 percent of the treatment. "The current implementation is a benchmark interest rate, the new policy has not been", is in the Tai Hing's longhu Celestial Street sales of the times staff reporterThat, according to its disclosure, cooperation of ICBC has an outgoing and the complex can perform 90 percent discount on first mortgages up. Second-hand, Albert Kong Dan, I love my home's Chief Analyst told a press conference, at present in the sale of second-hand, if buyers purchase is the first suite, basic can take advantage of certain interest rate concessions, now part of the Bank is to provide 85 percent and 90 percent discount, the Bank willDepending on the borrower's personal credit, income, water assessment, to meet the requirements will be able to enjoy such preferential measures.����March first suite of commercial loan and purchase new high interest rates relaxed overshadowing, proportion of recent loan purchases has also dramatically increased. According to the chain home real estate market research and statistics, since March of this year, Beijing credit purchases accounting for 17%,This one per cent in February rose, and higher than last year's average of 15%.����Feng Lianlian chain real estate market research, in March increased proportion of commercial loan customer purchases in the short term tera power leveling, that on the one hand with the low price and the price of houses have been sold, some just need have been leveraging, and this part of the population most strongly dependent for loans. On the other hand, First set interest rates to gradually release the loosing signal era of future Bank lending rates will gradually return discount, buyers monthly pressure has eased, just need groups into the stock market. (Pan Xiulin) Others:

