2012年4月18日 星期三

tera power leveling as long as the customer orders in the morning - ADT

129784668231303750_419Amazon begins first by us $ 48 billion in sales A few months ago, Amazon founder and CEO Jeff bezoshas was realized by the description of "interesting milestones". The retail giant, who is famous for its network Bookstore, then began to sell music and audio-video products, has now successfully transition to a comprehensive network of retailers---Amazon logistics warehouses filled with goods of non-audiovisual media, such as linen, clothes, netsRackets, as well as any other things to ordinary people. Old users, may also miss the old Amazon, but the user has been identified with the younger generation of the new Amazon. The turning point, since becoming CEO in May is the Bezos on Amazon's greatest contributions. Because the successful transition to the online retailer Amazon online bookstore, once again in the world of the InternetAmoy to real money. In the past 5 years, Amazon shares rise 397%. adhere to customer-oriented sitting on a wealth of US $ 19 billion, 48 years old, Bezos has become one of the richest people in the world. But he is still full of entrepreneurial passion, "I'm basically an optimistic person. "Bezos Amazon recently to reporters at company headquarters in SeattleSaid. "My wife once said, if you see Jeff unhappy, then you wait 5 minutes, he will be happy soon. "Why would a good time? He is now the CEO of top companies across the United States. after his death, he no doubt now that people most want to encounter, CEO of imitation and worship. has too many rounds of email, as well as interviews with Bezos interviewAfter the experience, I began to understand why he would become one of our time's top CEO. About a century ago, legendary Chicago retail giant maxieer��feierde was famously---"the customer is always right", and Bezos might be in an Internet age the most seriously carry out the number of entrepreneurs. Led by Bezos of Amazon always concernCustomer needs, then consider profit model, eventually succeeded in turning customers into a profit. Poaching in the present Internet enterprises to each other as a basis for the company based on the time when Bezos has been carrying out its own operational guidelines---spoiling themselves with 164 million customers, rather than the company's 56,000 people. Amazon managers are often full of feeling theCamp concept. With a shadow in their working life was a play called "the empty chair", because when Bezos often meet in the company of deliberately leaving a spare Chair, and told his managers must consider now is sitting in the Chair on the consumer---"that is now the most important person in the room", Bezos always participants stressed.Amazon by more than 500 more quantitative indicators to measure its operating performance, with over 80% of indicators developed around customers ' needs. Amazon to meet customer needs with full confidence, and allows the user to have a lot of freedom to define your own shop, called "Soccer Mom", called "project kid". Page = 0.1 seconds slower customer activity dropBezos in pursuit of details is strictly 1%. Customers always hate pages, such as delay, error and not update to occur, so Amazon's staff has been tracking and address these minor errors, ensuring the lowest possible error rate. In the Amazon, even the most subtle of page load delays are not trivial matters, according to their statistical 0.1 secondsPage delay, will lead directly to customer activity decrease 1%. former executives for Bezos of Amazon gone mad pursuit on the customer experience with a strong impression. Amazon United Kingdom recalls, former head of Ximen��moduoke, when Amazon Daily shipment cutoff time is at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, over time of an order will only be sent out the next day. But Bezos is aConstantly ask him the logistics deadline to be delayed to 6 points, 7 or later, even if this means that the entire store process needs to make great changes in so long. Amazon promises in the United Kingdom and in most parts of ten United States cities, as long as the customer orders in the morning, received the same day. Another former Executive memories, Bezos has strongly demanded a more robustCardboard boxes, to facilitate customers continued to use the boxes printed with the Amazon LOGO in the future, and to attract more potential customers. 2007 to 2011 has served Dina��patesen of the Amazon brand manager recalled that before the Kindle is coming soon, early pieces of advertising has a creative bridge tera gold, avatar is the KindleCattle carry the reader, and allow readers to become a brave Bull. See all colleagues of this piece are excited---only Bezos exceptions, he replayed over the bridge, and then in a very serious tone to the whole team said: "I know this piece is very intricate, many people will find very interesting this Bull. But sat on it's customers are likely to be cattleKick ass, we cannot let the customers were injured. "Bezos this near-fanatical customer orientation has finally paid off. University of Michigan for a year United States largest 225 companies conduct a customer satisfaction survey. Amazon for years in this regard has been the leader in online retail companies, often appears in the list of top ten companies with the highest customer satisfaction. LatestAccording to a survey, only Heinz milk powder, Xerox, Apple three indicators of customer satisfaction on top of Amazon. Innovation at cost but good customer service does not fully explain the success of Amazon. Additional attention to customer service for online retailers would catch up with Amazon for us $ 48 billion in sales. In fact, other online retailers such as tArget and Costco also focused on customer service tera power leveling, but they have also missed two value added Amazon. Bezos, have information to support customer-oriented management style allow him to risk of innovation, and firmly believes that their approach is right. "We very much hope that the seeds are sown, and have been waiting for them to grow into the heaven tree. We are not pursuing the next quarter's shortProfit, we're focused on what kind of experience is good for customers. I believe that, in this respect, our company culture is very rare. "Bezos says. With Amazon's Kindle reader as an example. Kindle to become products, mainly because Bezos through data investigation believe that millions of people will want to have aE-book reader, and it only takes 1 minute or less will be able to download books they want to read. When he set up the idea, did not take into account technical reasons, such as wireless transmission speeds and e-book format. Engineers can also freely, so long as can complete all the characteristics of a product, for consumer use. This product took the Asian-MAZON years to perfect the hardware, but Bezos is not shaken. Chief Financial Officer one day asked Bezos, the company still have to spend money to complete the project? Bezos asked him: "how much money do we have? "This product has completely changed the Amazon. After experiencing the bursting of the tech bubble and the rise of Amazon's revenue in 2003In early 2007 became mediocre, the main reason is that Amazon is also focused on the traditional advantages of online book sales. So Amazon began to realign the schema, investors are increasingly aware that Bezos is for Amazon to build a series of new business growth point. Re-architecture is to a large extent Bezos of Amazon shows personality, is pragmatism and dreamsFamily complex. Growing up in Houston and Miami Bezos never stops learning from traditional retailers. And he is good at statistics, have very proudly told his grandmother, he calculated what will make her smoking habit live much less juvenile. Bezos was also characterized by a clear dream home. His youth dreamed of becoming an astronaut, he worked hard to become representative of the graduateAnd wish to increase their opportunities to achieve their dreams. He stayed at his grandfather youth summer time in Texas in the 25,000-acre farm, repairing the machine, control the cart and learning how to stand on. The experiences may explain why Amazon in staff recruitment have been emphasized handwork and ability to work in solitude. These two requirements, can be found that can beRapid innovation and adhere to customer service employees. Amazon a common recruitment examination questions may be: require the candidate as a product manager in a completely unfamiliar territory designed a work plan, and in the case of no budget. Efficiency first efficiency---forever or that Amazon buyers can even cheaper---is in the eye of the Amazon in the company cultureAnd "the empty chair" is just as important. In fact, Bezos tends to link the two. In 2009 he wrote in a letter to shareholders, Bezos promotion Amazon is about to meticulous management to avoid waste, and won the competition. As long as to reduce purchasing costs, he will be able to provide more low-price products. The campaign, in his own words is"With unparalleled vigor". In an interview, Bezos for the companies to reduce 23% costs for a logistics warehouse in the near future, "by adjusting the potential we have to rediscover the storage space". He said with pride, Amazon and logistics companies, classification of packaging of goods, so that as long as the logistics involved can be shipped directly, to avoid furtherClass as a result of the delay. Amazon's Bezos always take off the gloves to requirements management personnel do not have color, only black and white print; business travel has never been first class treatment. Experiments are always formed by the most experienced and capable team tera gold, ensuring that Member is minimized. If a team called out two pizza, Bezos will they break up becauseHe appears to have too many people. Such work styles that people love or hate. Had left the staff wrote an article criticizing the Bezos publicly authoritarian style in his work, but even if these are also admitted that Bezos style brought huge changes to the Amazon. Led by Bezos of Amazon, the company gradually grow from garage to start a business, and will soon move into a newOf the headquarters building. For Bezos, but, although he was only 48 years old, even though the company development has been quite brilliant, it still has room for improvement. Last Christmas products on time arrival rate Amazon 99.99%, this is a very remarkable achievement, because every 10,000 products only 1 item of delivery delays. But BezosAnd as long as there is no 100% on time, that Amazon would not be satisfactory. Others:

