2012年4月9日 星期一

tera power leveling project - SXL

129770869275625000_36Reporter 22nd learned from the Ministry of housing in urban and rural construction, housing of urban and rural development recently issued a circular requesting 2012 affordable housing program work in cities and towns, publicly subsidized housing starts and a monthly basic build (completion), take the initiative to accept supervision. Responsible person of the Ministry of housing in urban and rural areas, provincial (district, City) construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) DepartmentIn the annual plan is finalized within 20 working days, in the open area of local government Web sites and the city (, State, League) annual construction plans, and publicly subsidized housing starts and a monthly basic build (completion). To urge the city construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department local plan, start and completion of the construction project of the year in public information and monthly open publicly subsidized housingAnd basic build (completion). Information focus to be included at all levels and all departments and supervise the work, as all levels of Government and sector focused assessment. Requirements of housing in urban and rural areas development, actively implement the construction project around, speeding up construction of project progress. Transformation conditions of railway, non-ferrous, gold industry, such as squatter settlements, to be unified in the reconstruction programme. Included in the annualCompletion of the planned projects, the construction of basic (completed) project, from each of the provinces (regions and cities), construction of housing in urban and rural areas (housing support) Department is responsible for the construction project of the year, and reported to the Ministry of housing in urban and rural areas for the record before the June 15, 2012. Breaks the central subsidies for the implementation within the prescribed time limit or clear, specific construction projects and construction of housing in urban and rural areasThe record. For the construction of infrastructure, housing in urban and rural areas development urged all localities to step up investment in supporting infrastructure, increase the rate of investment, as soon as possible an effective supply; on the pressure of supporting investment in infrastructure areas, at the Central and provincial subsidies to tilt on funding arrangements. At the same time to ensure that quality and safety are under control. For starts, completion of the basic standard tera gold,Completion of the requested statistics starts of housing in urban and rural areas development tera power leveling, basic (completed) unit be monomer project, started in planning and design of permanent works have been the official ground breaking plow (Foundation or permanent) as the standard, basic completed design approved by project completion and basic file required to meet the conditions of use shall prevail. In addition, the housing around the urban-rural development also requires improving the economic adjustmentHouse, price commodity trading income measures for the regulation of housing tera power leveling, reasonable income distribution ratio; exploring the establishment of new mechanisms for property management, specification property services, improve management. Further perfecting the mechanism of supervision and inspection, and increase the intensity of supervision, strengthen construction, assign and manage all aspects of supervision and inspection. Others:

