2012年4月11日 星期三

tera power leveling $ 1 to 6.284 Yuan - DTE

129773928441093750_49Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog dynamic observation on the foreign exchange market currency US dollar currency, instant expert analysis on relevant industry topics scroll column bodyDisk on the HD solutions financial calendar financial products Exchange Center Exchange Tools school online Salon experience exchange finance foreign exchange regulations on investment hexun hexun.com Wikipedia Forex Forum Forex blog Forex > body font size print RSS March 201209:19 from: hexun foreign exchange trend of RMB exchange rate parity against the dollar (source: hexun financial calendar) hexun exchange messages according to latest data from the China foreign exchange Trade Center, March 27 Yuan central parity rate against the dollar 6.284. Wave 18 basis points in the previous session, continuousModified highs three trading days to earn foreign exchange. People's Bank of China authorized the China foreign exchange trading center announced on March 27 tera gold, 2012 Yuan central parity rate for interbank foreign exchange market: $ 1 to 6.284 Yuan, 1 euro 8.3957 Yuan tera power leveling, 100 yen for 7.577 Yuan, 1 Hong Kong dollar to RMB 0.80$ 893, 1 pound 10.0324 Yuan, 1 Australia Yuan of RMB 6.6136 Yuan, 1 Canada Yuan of RMB 6.3372 Yuan tera power leveling, RMB $ 1 to 0.48802 ringgit, 1 Yuan on 4.6111 Russia rubles. Exchange rate policy: Hu Jintao: the rise of RMB 7 years 30% will enhanceRMB exchange rate flexibility "years minimum" to "exchange rate high" its two-way volatility characteristics fade Hu Jintao: US trade deficit, the problem is not the yuan renminbi exchange rate Dynamics: China Yuan exchange rate did not help push United States trade deficits and unemployment problems, such as depreciation of the Renminbi currency even to record overseas is expected to rise its recentVolatility analysts: the Central Bank or in the test market Others:

