2012年4月5日 星期四

tera power leveling Dongpo Li decided to suspend the work - RHO

129773438595156250_118At present, the rural credit cooperatives in Taian County "loans" Storm Center. Reporter Liu Yiding photo taken in Taian County Liaoning province, from November last year to now, many of the villagers received the "Heaven" of debt tera gold, some villagers even so scared ill. Hundreds of villagers said at least, when surveyed, only know their own name is loan. "Loan" outbreak, Is the sudden death of one of the loan officers. Bank checking accounts, found the loan officers to maintain the $ 30 million is hutuzhang, many person has never been made before. At present in the local police are investigating. According to the survey of journalists, in Taian County, loan officers not following operation "loans" is not the case. While the Credit Union provides audits on loan, but strictly checks, loan officersHave the opportunity to become "Devil traders". This newspaper reporter Liu Yiding Liaoning 3 months, Dongpo Li wanted to figure out what their own name How do three loans for a total of $ 90,000, Anshan city, Liaoning province rural credit cooperatives are still in Taian County did not answer his confusion. In the public security Department is investigating. In mid-February, Dongpo Li decided to suspend the work, "full-time" and County Association "Death knock ". In Taian County, like the Dongpo Li is waiting for the reply, there are hundreds of others. Almost all villages of the xinkaihe town in the County. Beginning in November 2011 to a "loan" event, the villagers of Taian County into a "debt" panic. "Grow on trees" loan Duda even the pickled village has 18 families in the village known as "loans", in which 4 families areCouples back 30,000 Yuan Li Dongbo in Taian County purchased the House from Taian County rural credit cooperatives Union (hereinafter referred to as Tai ' an Association) of the partition by a wall of the Office building. However, in addition to being neighbors, Dongpo Li didn't think about their intersection and credit cooperatives. On November 11, 2011 tera gold, the xinkai credit Han Guoguang visited Dongpo Li, Deputy Director of home town of xinkaiheZhaojiacun. Only Dongpo Li's mother is at home at that time, Korea said, $ 30,000 in Dongpo Li overdue loans, need to get up. Call mother questioned Li Dongbo, why loan without his family, also let debt against the door. On March 12, 2012, Dongpo Li said that when he asked Mongolia by mother, because they have no credit union loans, but the mother isNo answer. On November 11, 2011, credit Director Zhao Changming to Taian County Association of the town of xinkaihe two tree villages, villager Wang Chenglin verification loans. Wang Chenglin said his inexplicable, but Zhao Changming documents provided did have his name. Without his wife Zhao Shuyan husband home loans are very angry. She was surprised to find that, also on the listName, and Wang Chenglin, their own name a $ 30,000 loan. (It is understood that each household credit amount of $ 30,000). "My God, 60,000 Ah, ye also! "Debts sky, Zhao Shuyan anger and fear, fell ill. "A year ago, his son married, most compact when Pakistan did not want a loan, how will the loan? "King into a forest loss. A publicInside, Duda even the pickled village, Du Changshun daughter-in-law Wang Yuqing name is also $ 30,000 of the loan. "I am the head, stepped in to loan me or my son, do not let their mum to show up. "Du Changshun said. Old bachelor Du Jiushun in the village, also carry a $ 30,000 loan. In the eyes of the villagers, Du Jiushun is a kind of "loans" are people who don't understand. According to journalistInvestigation, Duda continuous foam 18 "loans", in which 4 families are couples back 30,000 yuan. Three from home, madian, Zhao, Wang Zhuang, many villages had a similar situation. On November 17, 2011, the Dongpo Li xinkai River Credit Union to recover. He met a lot of people and he had the same experience. Receive them, went to the home of Korea. From KoreaYou know, these loans are loan officers Zhang Jingzhi maintained. "Zhang Jingzhi 's? "Dongpo Li and a number of villagers, had never heard the name of Zhang Jingzhi. Zhang Jingzhi, aged 53, was of xinkai River Credit Union loan officers. He did loan officers for more than 20 years, until last year abruptly died. Hutuzhang loan officers left Zhang Jingzhi loan officers died sudden death, "loan"Secrets exposed. His hometown, half the village was discovered "loan," "everyone leave your post, there will be a transition, to maintain checking accounts. "Taian County Federation of credit Vice Chairman Chai Yaqiang said. One day in July last year, Zhang Jingzhi riding a motorcycle in motion, sudden fall down MI, died in August of last year. Credit Union checking accounts of Zhang Jingzhi, found his handling of 300HK $ more than 0 is hutuzhang. "How loan people claimed to have never made before. "Zhang Jingzhi's home, in xinkai River town of wasteland. After the death of Zhang Jingzhi, wasteland near the village of half a village the villagers found their name on the loan, as the event "disastrous". Although Zhang Jingzhi from the village for many years, living in Taian County, in wastelands village also has a lot of the villagers to know Zhang JingLocal records. "53, a year younger than me. "Introduction to a villager, Zhang Jingzhi's father of the year. A river town of xinkaihe split, wilderness village is located in the East of the area is Zhang Jingzhi responsible credit area. Today, the village of wasteland in "loans" topic of a household name. On March 12, the reporter at random on the street asked the villagers, everyone can tell near the"Loan" name. When the police investigation, Li Changbin villagers by surprise, including himself, wife, daughter and brother at home and so a total of 6 people, loans under $ 30,000 per person for a total of $ 180,000. Wilderness village has several very small child "loans". Li Changbin said, neighborhood 77 year old Zhang Xu didn't even ID cards, name has 30,000Yuan loans. "Half of the people in our village name on the loan, heard on more than 8 million in our village. "A villager said. Wasteland has more than 2000 people tera power leveling, a personal 80% loan, called one-third, became a "loan". Chai Yaqiang confirmed that wasteland village involving more, but the total is not more than 8 million, was less than $ 3 million. "If it were notLoan officers dead, loans for things we may never know. "On March 12, the Dongpo Li said. Chai Yaqiang said County Association cannot be identified, after the public security department to ask for help, Taian County Public Security Bureau economic investigation team investigate. 123 «» Others:

