2012年4月16日 星期一

tera power leveling providing institutional - CIR

129779512061562500_72Hong Beijing, April 3 according to the voice of the economy of the world financial news, the Boao Forum for Asia "energy/resources: dialogue of both supply and demand" on the Forum tera power leveling, the participants launched a heated discussion should the development of nuclear power in China. Now, the world is slowing down the pace of development of nuclear power, there is even a wave against the development of nuclear power. China International Center for economic exchange expertsJing Chunmei exclusive to this observation. Jing Chunmei: Japan after Fukushima nuclear accident, States on their nuclear facility security is a comprehensive security checks, adjustments have been made to the nuclear power industry and reflection, a wave of anti-nuclear power in many countries. Debate on nuclear power, from the date of the birth of nuclear power technology to debate it stopped when it was. In the "three mile island" or "qiernuoBailey, "after the events of the world caused a wave of anti-nuclear. But we also see that each nuclear accident after causing human creation technology. After each accident, nuclear power accident will be a breakthrough, will raise the level of nuclear safety to higher levels. Nuclear energy is a handle "double-edged sword", well you can benefit people, bad use will lead to disaster. Nuclear energy represents aIndustrial level of civilization in the world, development and utilization of nuclear energy in the promotion of socio-economic development and human progress cannot be left unrecognized, role in tackling climate change tera gold, guided energy security is irreplaceable. We should establish a scientific concept of nuclear security, strengthen confidence, and to address nuclear safety risks and actively draw on lessons from Fukushima incident, through technical innovation to enhance the safety of nuclear energy andTo promote sustainable development of nuclear safety. Jing Chunmei believes that in the context of current world energy crisis, nuclear power is the inevitable choice for China. Jing Chunmei: relative to the wind, solar and other renewable energies, nuclear power is the only large scale sustainable and stable supply of renewable energy. Both to catch the energy structure in China and in the implementation of energy-savingTarget to reduce emissions, nuclear power is an inevitable choice. Not only that, but nuclear power development in China is also on the international front, scale of China's nuclear power and built the world's largest, in parts manufacturing for third-generation nuclear power has also been out of a road for their innovation, combination plates, valve, for example tera gold, waste heat recovery, and so are freedom technique, and is a world leader. In the process of construction of the nuclear power, Help to raise the level of high-end manufacturing in China, while driving, power operations, exploration of engineering construction design related industry chain development, such as China national enterprises will be able to return. If you want to large-scale development of nuclear power, Jing Chunmei pointed out, requires attention to four aspects. Jing Chunmei: first scale is a reasonable grasp of nuclear power development, adhere to the safe and efficient development, developmentAnd scale are not necessarily too high; the second is scientific planning, secure site, to carry out periodic and non-periodic safety inspections of nuclear facilities, eliminating security risks in a timely manner; a third is to select high safety and reliability of technical route, new nuclear projects should be based on three generations of AP1400 units; IV is to increase investment in research and development and training, establishing and monitoring financialSystem, strengthening the construction of nuclear run teams, providing institutional, technical and human resources to strengthen nuclear security guarantees. Others:

