2012年4月14日 星期六

tera power leveling the Russian military by virtue of numbers rapidly lost Georgia troops - ZKQ

129779512065937500_83 <a href="http://www.power-leveling.co.uk/tera-gold/">tera gold</a>Russia President Dmitry Medvedev at a meeting recently in the Department of Defense announced the end of Russia's military reform tera power leveling, reform main goal has been achieved, Russia has a new army. In August 2008, the Russian military by virtue of numbers rapidly lost Georgia troops, also exposed the concept of war, command structures, weapons and equipment, and so many problems. FigureThe gejun of destroyed tanks. (A) "Russia the independent on April 2" problems: exclusive Squire of Putin's Russia may appear the answers to the President of the national Squire. New powerful agencies from the air force, Navy, parachute, the neiwei forces, Ministry of defence police and the Ministry of emergency situations and other troops deployed in force constitutes. According to sources in the Ministry of defence revealedNational Squire's mission is to ensure the national security and the maintenance of the constitutional system. At present, the Ministry of defence is in conjunction with the Executive Office of the President of the Conference on security and programmatic article of the powerful is under Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Russia State security guarantees set out in the task of drafting a new national defense program. Serdiukov Minister not long ago to the newly elected President, reported on the progress of this work. PlanCalled for the armed forces, intelligence services and other powerful institutions platform for rapid and effective response to the new threat. Has no national military organization in terms of the establishment of any new body is not known. But it is obvious that there is significant change. Defense Ministry sources said, shortly before Putin met the Commander of the airborne troops Shamanov and neiwei Force Commander Luo GeriMr Justice Bokhary is relevant here. In his view, the luogerijin has the potential to lead national Squire. After the breakup of the Soviet Union tera power leveling, establishing national Squire topic made more than once. But now it appears that national Squire seems will soon be set up. Here are a number of reasons. First, Egypt and Tunisia color revolution, Libya of military conflict and Syria civil war showed that, to safeguard the constitutional system, Number required to defend a legal regime and national leaders, specifically for action against armed opposition forces. At the same time, to improve management efficiency, the force should be directly subordinate to the head of State. Others:

