2012年4月11日 星期三

tera power leveling - ZED

129774133139531250_120China's Vice-Minister of housing and urban-rural development, recently said that, Ministry of housing and the Ministry of finance, State administration of taxation summary of pilot experiences of Chongqing and Shanghai property taxes on expanding the property tax levy city.  But the next city which has not been decided. Guangzhou and Shenzhen have not been identified as pilot cities selected for the pilot scope of real estate tax for Guangzhou, Shenzhen rumors, Qi JIExplicitly clarified, "I responsibly say that currently widen the tax has not been decided.  Has not been determined which is the new city property tax ". Qi JI tera power leveling, Shanghai and Chongqing have levied property taxes last year pilot, both this collection of objects, taxes and are not the same.  It appears that the two pilots have made some good experience. "We are with the financialMinistry and State administration of taxation sum up these experiences, we consider perfection now pilot tera gold, we will extend the pilot cities.  "Qi JI said.  Extend the scope of individual housing property tax trial, has is like an arrow on the bowstring. Ministry of finance by the Finance Division Director Jia Kang, said policymakers on property taxes form a basic consensus tera power leveling, is a necessary condition for the second pilot. Now officialOf interest has gradually clear, steady progress in the property tax pilot.  In his view, the real estate tax and taxes are not for tax purposes, but to play the market leverage, and the over-reliance of land financial solve part. Before March 22, hung out a press release saying the Government network, recently approved and transmitted to the development and Reform Commission of the State Council concerning 2012 deepen economiesReform priorities of the opinion, the "opinions" made in 2012, "timely expansion of property tax in scope".  Pilot expanding peri-urban speculation on property taxes was emerging. Experts believe that although the Housing Ministry said no to determine which new city property tax, but Guangzhou, Shenzhen pilot there is still the possibility of the future, because, after all, the two citiesRooms are relatively large number, and the market rate of the market as a whole is relatively high. In addition, second-tier cities such as Nanjing, Wuhan, a pilot has the possibility of relatively large, real estate tax if launched in the country, require different types of cities into the pilot, thus summing up experiences, from the current situation, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and two or three-tier citiesBecome the pilot more likely.  Small possibility of Beijing, Beijing real estate property is more complex, commercial houses, there are houses owned by the army, called central maternity ward, maternity wards, there are University property, this property is not too convenient for tax. Ministry of housing experts: House prices this year will not be revenge reboundRecently, Tsinghua University China and the economic centre of the world "' 18 ' Eve: the analysis of the economic situation" on the Hong Chin, Director of housing and urban-rural development policy research center said a retaliatory rally in prices this year of the subjective and objective conditions are not in place. Hong Chin believes that at present there are two effects on the property market in China: crowding out investment and speculative demand market, it isIn the real estate market by "need" support; rise in house prices is finally under control, but some cities significantly downgraded.  In addition to the restriction of such policies, in her view, the tighter monetary policy makes the entire real estate industry chain are affected, including enterprise funds required for front-end development, as well as the buyers funds required to purchase. Hong Chin said that house prices this year appear retaliatory roseThe subjective and objective conditions are not fulfilled. She explained that, seen from the subjective conditions, Central and local governments to control price rises introduced strict requirements, to promote rational regression of house prices. On the objective condition: on the one hand, the property market is still digesting the inventory stage so far, enterprises can, increase sales, while central authorities to take effective measures to increase the ordinary commodityHousing supply, the property market this year will be dominated by common commercial housing consumption, average price of commercial housing prices as a whole will not be too much of an impact. Annex luxury tax in Shenzhen: or real estate taxes "foreshadowing" on March 23, the Shenzhen urban planning and land resources Committee of the Shenzhen housing construction plans for 2012 implementation plan. The scheme,Villa, Penthouse, goods such as large scale housing, advancing the tax reform of the transactions and to maintain links. This was interpreted as "luxury tax", is a trend that deserves full attention.  Perhaps this is the foreshadowing of the property tax. According to this scenario, in deep to purchase luxury property in the future, whether trading links is to maintain links, taxes will increase. But it did not say, is for a new HouseOr existing inventory in the mansion. Comparison of Shanghai real estate tax, is the only local residents recently purchased the second suite after January 28, 2011 and a charge of foreign residents to buy a new House, as well as Shanghai family of more than 60 square meters of housing area per person charge to. This involves the amount of room is very small. If Shenzhen is only for new house property tax, less;Stock room in the mansion, which is great. In addition, much of double taxation, much of the area is large, is very difficult. Others:

