2012年4月11日 星期三

tera gold 129774149432812500_8 - TZR

129774149432812500_8Chile Central 25th night experience strong earthquakes, interruption of electricity, water supply and communications in some areas, residents were injured by falling debris smashed the building earthquake, but no report of loss of life and significant property damage.   Chile Minister luodelige·yinsipeite called on the people of the Interior stabilization, that response will quickly assess human and property losses in earthquake-affected areas. CapitalSeismaesthesia, feel a strong United States Geological Survey's determination, Chile Central 25th (Beijing time on 26th) magnitude 7.1 earthquake, the epicenter is located in Talca by Northwest approximately 27 km tera gold, focal depth of 30 km.   Talca in Chile Santiago, 300 kilometers in the South. Chile determination of magnitude ofThere are different.   Chile University Seismological Service said that the magnitude 6.8 earthquake tera gold, epicenter located in the Maule region West Weng 24 kilometres north-east of Konsti, focal depth of 10 km. Tarka residents say, earthquake continued for almost a minute, hundreds of people ran to the outdoor haven. San Diego and other cities seismaesthesia tera power leveling, feel clear and people from high-rise buildings, shoppingHeart, stadium and supermarket to avoid.   Memorial Stadium in Santiago, thousands of fans had gathered to watch the football game, feel rushed out after the earthquake. "I want the people to remain calm," Interior Minister yinsipeite said, "this is a strong earthquake, but had ended. "Argentina and the State Seismological Bureau said Civil Defence Department, near Maule region of AgenMountain Mendoza, Prov. De, San Juan province, and other places in the West felt obvious that appeared in high-rise building shook and residents rushed to the streets to avoid. Lifted a tsunami warning Chile national emergency Office released to the central part of the city after the earthquake tsunami early warning requires preventive coastal residents to evacuate. However, Chile Navy hydrography and Maritime Bureau Office of emergency services and then exclude the tsunamiPossible. () Others:

