2012年4月6日 星期五

tera gold hole - ZBF

129771772397906060_48Hexun homepage established mobile phone version of the stock/fund micro-blogging news blog offers feature new product rolling credit card mortgage debit card electronic bank private bankingCar loan fund debt service fee bank deposit interest rates insurance financial products column financial loan interest rate banks blog Forum Twitter Studio hexun.com Bank > body font size print RSSMarch 25, 2012 from: investor report authors: Li Zhen "should be arrested for helping the customers money-laundering", in connection with the recent Department of Standard Chartered private bank employee was arrested, who have work experience of foreign private bank joint-stock investors in private banking officer, told the newspaper reporter: "throughout theIn Asia, some private banks are doing to help people work for money-laundering, which Hong Kong, China, Singapore is common, the largest customer base came from China and Indonesia.   "In recent years, broke out when the bank officer crime, modus operandi usually is taking advantage of his position, moving private banking funds for personal finance and investment or transfer of funds abroad. In this regard, ChinaIndustry Association Deputy President Yang Zaiping newspaper reporters on the investors, possible regulatory measures to be taken against crimes of bank personnel, media can recommend this proposal officially to the banks and regulators.   But in terms of current regulatory conditions, experts said, the Bank should first grabbed from its own internal control management. Foreign private banks are suspected of helping their customers money-launderingIt is learnt that recently was arrested by Standard Chartered employees named Wu Yi Dian, female, Singapore nationals, working in the Standard Chartered private bank based in Shanghai for about 9 months. Was arrested due to his fiance to a the Wall Street Journal (blog, Twitter) revealed to the public. The fiance says, Wu Eden on March 6, detained by police in Wuxi city, Jiangsu Province, after police on her privateBank one customer told her about a month of interrogation. Cause in one of its customers. Allegedly, the customer is the Governor of the agricultural Bank of China Jiangsu Jiangyin branch Sun feng, suspected of transferring agricultural Bank $ 50 million capital absconded.   To this end, Wu Eden "suspected of harbouring crimes of harbouring" and being a criminal arrest. The industry generally believe that Wu was arrested as a result of which he knows the customers largeQuestionable, but still its "financial management", is essentially help customers money-laundering. Eden NG whether money-laundering is involved? Before the Standard Chartered private bank for the rich financing, will understand the customer's funds? This reporter to the Standard Chartered Bank confirmation, they reply, because it is the police are investigating the case, is unable to comment on the matter, but "we can confirm that is, Current police investigations do not involve chartered company ".   If the inconvenience to the said Standard Chartered Bank to comment on the case itself, but reporters asked whether the private banking sector employees will learn about customer financing issues, Standard Chartered also gave no answer. "All private bank in front of the customer accounts, for customers in particular sources should do due diligence on the customers. ”Minsheng Bank (600,016, unit) tera gold, senior investment adviser Hong Xi told reporters of the investors.   Standard Chartered to understand sources of, so for such a heavily is not able to find problem? Preceding private bankers told reporters, and some foreign private bank in providing laundering services for customers, 6%~8% collection of fees,Considerable profits. Bank staff financial transparency ", the Bank staff is also a high incidence of crime groups, especially at the grassroots level. As many money is handled on a daily basis, often appears stark moved to private capital. To buy finance no deficit, part, fill holes, hole, had to run one, then that one's criminal conspiracy was unmaskedWhen.   "The person said.   As early as ten years ago, before and after 2001, Henan Nanyang Commercial Bank (Bank, Nanyang), a Deputy Governor, diverted 20 million dollars trading stocks, resulting in losses to $ 1.1 million, final flight in Canada. From a recent case, this newspaper reported only private bank staff move funds case, there are many, such as Taiyuan branch of Bohai BankLoss of deposit, Yantai Bank bills, which ABC Xuzhou branch of the Bills and so on tera power leveling, after they move to a capital or lending or trading stocks, fried futures.   Standard Chartered Bank employees were arrested in a matter before, Jiangyin branch, the agriculture Bank of locals involved told a press conference tera gold, also fired the head of futures of the alleged crime. Similarly, published in February of this year and State sharesIn the prospectus, before the two funds and State shares listing attached to stakes, where a 6-bit Bank LP (limited partners), the above amounts are in millions of dollars of investment, they are mostly municipal Branch Manager or Governor of the city under the branch. This prospectus is published, that is, on Twitter and in the investment banking industry has raised "Bank treatment has good" discussion.The investor reporter had asked the Bank at that time, the reply said: "according to the existing laws and regulations, there is no clear provision cannot be purchased through a bank or commercial bank employees he raised private equity products, investing in Minsheng Bank employees can buy PE products. "The implication, Minsheng bank employee personal financing fund have no right to say。   The middle of March, the SFC issued a prohibition of 4 groups of people stake in PE, one person is a bank officer. "Standard Chartered employees were involved in the arrest of 50 million dollars is what, if it is a small Bank, stand up to so do you steal? This event many years bank officer crime should monitor their investment behavior. "Ex-the private bank sector staffReporters said. There is no doubt that banks is a special kind of sensitive industries, is related to citizen security issues such as property, business property, if the Bank employees Fund pay daily wages than when there is a huge gap, legitimacy is necessary for the understanding of their sources? Whether their financial behavior should be as transparent as the foreign investment banks, Fund staff, in order to reduce crimeRate? "On the employee fund research systems is necessary.   "Zhongyangcaijingdaxue School of law Professor Huang Zhen said to the reporter of the investor. Shanghai New Mong Song Yixin illustrious law firm partner's reply to reporters simply: "is on, you must open and review sources. "Yang Zaiping made it clear that:" how to reduce individual employees in the BankOfficer crime, individual financial management personnel, in particular crimes, required careful study and take practical measures.   "He also said, establish a regulatory system to raise a large fund transparency practices with" constructive ". Deficiency in internal control on the basis of law is rejected at a time when external supervision has not been established, said employees are currently requiring banks to finance and investmentTo understand the source of the lack of legal basis.   In this regard, Huang Zhen denounced as banks relax self-regulation of pretexts and excuses, and called the buck approach. "As a responsible Bank, first of all, the internal control to do, if the interests of depositors, or even the banks themselves are hurt, you shouldn't do perfect on the system? "Huang Zhen askedRoad. He said, in recent years increased supervision of China Banking Regulatory Commission, but not exhaustive, staff supervision of financial funds, requires that bank first set forth on the system from within, is actually the Bank's internal risk control; has a certain basis, problems clearly enough and can ensure effective supervision in place, the regulator can unify the development system。 Liu Yanbin, President of China Finance Association agreed that should first start with the Bank's internal control. "Crime of bank personnel, is caused by incomplete due to Bank monitoring system, internal control issues of the belonging to the Bank. ” Others:

