2012年4月10日 星期二

tera power leveling Josef Ackermann - OAF

129773984759843750_43SINA finance hearing news Beijing time on March 27, when other banks are cutting back on the balance sheet tera power leveling, when Deutsche Bank increase assets. Statistical data compiled by Bloomberg show 2011 Deutsche Bank's assets increased by EUR 14% per cent ($ 2.88 trillion), beating by Palestinian Bank tera power leveling, became first in Europe for the first time in five yearsLine. Deutsche Bank CEO Josef-Achermann (Josef Ackermann) proposal to limit bank size is misleading, as when he May retire, Deutsche Bank's balance sheet compared to 2006 has increased by 40%, and over the Germany economy 80%. 10 big banks in Europe, Deutsche Bank leveraged ranked secondCapital rate ranked third last, although Achermann boosted capital reserves and to reduce the reliance on borrowed capital. In the Berlin banking investment company (Landesbank Berlin Investment) manages the funds of us $ 15 billion Roets-Luo Meiye (Lutz Roehmeyer) said: "the Bank has beenFirmly opposed to shrink its balance sheet, it is understandable that, higher the leverage, the higher the return on time is good, they want less reduction of assets as possible, to do the maximum to develop their business. "High leverage, and let the Bank's revenue more volatile, more sensitive to market fluctuations. In 2009 when the bond market rose, the Bank's average interest rate has reached 14.6%, the next in 2010, as the European sovereign debt crisis, the profitability measure the ruler down to 5.5%, to 8.2% last year. Deutsche Bank's current book, is the ratio of share price and the net asset value per share is only 0.65 tera gold, which means that investors believe the Bank's value and not as high as stated in the Bank's own. 50 in the world marketThe nearest Bank, Deutsche Bank's net rate ranks last in the seventh. Italy financial credit Bank (Mediobanca SpA) in London, Banking Analyst Cristofane-Wheeler (Christopher Wheeler), said: "there is no doubt that leverage and capital shortage is affecting the Bank's valuation. "He gave Deutsche Bank unit"Underperform" rating.����However, benefited from the first round of the European Central Bank in the financing operation (LTRO) three-year loan, since December 21 last year, Deutsche Bank's stock rose 37%, higher than Bloomberg index 20% or European banks and financial institutions. Luo Meiye said the Bank has been able to maintain low rates of capital and borrow more toEnhance returns, because customers believe that Germany will never ruin the Government and this will be reflected in the company's share price performance and financing costs.����In the 10 biggest banks, Deutsche Bank's swap of debt swaps (CDS) price is low than any except HSBC. Fitch in December last year to Germany's ability to support banks and used by, maintain the Bank OutlookStable. (Plume) Others:

